Staying informed

Links to services streamed online can be found here
The easiest way to check on details of meetings and events is to check the Church Calendar here

17th October 2024

Earlier in the year, during our Signs of Life series, we organised our worship differently on some Sunday mornings. We felt this worked well so now we are going to have the alternative arrangment on the last Sunday of each month. This means that on that Sunday we will have a largely traditional service in the Chapel at 10.30am which will be streamed online as usual. This will be followed by coffee/tea/cold drinks from 11.15 to 11.30, when the second, more informal, service will start in the Large Hall. The second service will include time to pray with one another and a sermon, as well as a more informal time of worship. Everyone is welcome to attend one service or both!

For clarity, we will not be including a Bring & Share lunch in the second service as we did earlier in the year.

15th October 2024

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry can be found here.

29th September 2024

Recordings of the talks by Chris Jack on our Church Weekend  "Declaring God's Glory in the Church and the World" are now available on the links below:-

Friday evening 

Saturday morning

Saturday afternoon

23rd September 2024

The Church Prayer Diary for October is here.

20th September 2024

Our Mission Partner, Global Care is asking us for help.

"Please can you help us rebuild our audience on social media? Last year, our Facebook page was hacked and then removed. Despite all our efforts, Meta have refused to restore it to us. Facebook is an important platform for us to share our stories and communicate with supporters old and new - so it's time for us to let go of our disappointment and frustration and to rebuild our audience. If you're a Facebook user, it would be really helpful if you could find our new page and like or follow us. You can find us by searching @GlobalCareInt or clicking here. If you could then share some of our content with your friends, to help other people find us, this would be very much appreciated!"

19th September 2024

On Sunday 6th October we celebrate Harvest. Our church Foodbank Centre would be pleased to receive food suitable to give to people who are living locally on the streets or in premises that have very limited cooking facilities. Tinned meat, fish, rice pudding, beans, soup with ring pull cans, long-life milk, chocolate bars, biscuits, crisps and small juice drinks would be helpful and appreciated.

10th September 2024

Over the Summer Clothing Coventry used quite a large part of our premises for a School Uniform Pop-up shop where those who were struggling to provide their children with school uniform were able to come to collect items which had been donated. We have now received this letter of thanks.

We have also had a brand new, larger cooker installed in the main church kitchen. This has been donated by Coventry Open Christmas who have used our premises over many years to provide help to people who need it over Christmas. We are very grateful for their gift.

2nd September 2024

Not a QRBC event but undoubtedly of interest to many, Our Church Secretary, Iain Colville, is setting off on 7th September on a pilgrimage of 500km along the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain. You can find out more and follow his travels on this link (or by downloading the FindPenguins app to your phone)

23rd August 2024

The church Prayer Diary for September can be found here

20th August 2024

Severn Trent are running another of their free "Grow your possibilities" events on our premises on 16th September. If you looking to grow your confidence to get back into the workplace or take your first steps in your career you may want to investigate this? The full details are here.

19th August 2024

Following the service next Sunday, 25th August, there will be a bring & share picnic in Spencer Park, weather permitting. Everyone welcome.

The latest newsletter from HOPE Coventry is here.

14th August 2024

Coventry Youth for Christ are based on our premises and have made a significant new appointment. Please pray for Joe as he steps into this exciting role in September and for new opportunities to see young people's lives changed by Jesus in Coventry. 

22nd July 2024

Next Sunday (28th July) Rev Ian Macnair is going to be preaching on David and Goliath. It is a well know story .... or is it? You can check how much you know about it with this Quiz that Ian has compiled. Click here to start.

The latest news from HOPE Coventry is here.

20th July 2024

The latest Newsletter from the Community of the Cross of Nails contains, among other things, an article about a recent visit by the Dean of Coventry Cathedral to Ukraine. You can find it here.

17th July 2024

Coventry Youth for Christ, who have their office on our premises, have some news to share. You can read it here.

12th July 2024

Clothing Coventry School Uniform Pop Up Event - 6th—23rd August
We will be welcoming the Clothing Coventry Team to QRBC during August when they will using the Large Hall from 5th—24th August to hold their annual school uniform pop up event.
Families are invited to book an appointment with Clothing Coventry to then visit the premises and select the uniforms they need. Last year 1000 children were kitted out in this manner. For more information and to book a visit click here

Help wanted
Would you like to represent QRBC and provide a warm welcome to the Clothing Coventry Team and to the families visiting the church over the summer? If you can spare some time, please contact Helen in the office.

Or perhaps you would like to help Clothing Coventry - they say "Would you like to help us support families this summer with distributing school uniform? We need help in August to run our free uniform event. You can sign up to join us for one morning or 10 full days, we need all hands on deck!" For more information and to sign up click here

8th July 2024

Castle Hill Baptist Church in Warwick, where our former member Kevin Johnson is the Minister, are recruiting a part time Operations Manager. More details here.

3rd July 2024

From Baptists Together

"As we prepare for tomorrow’s General Election, our Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) is encouraging us all to pray and has written the following prayer:

Election Day Prayer

God of all power, on this election day be with us as we love, pray and vote. We pray for our country, for voters, for candidates and their teams, for election officials, and for a safe, free and fair process.

We pray that choices will be made with wisdom and actions will be guided by love. And as Jesus taught us, we pray that your kingdom will come and your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen

JPIT has also published a Post Election Day Prayer on their website. We encourage you to pray - and to vote tomorrow".


African Pastors Fellowship is one of our Mission Partners - their latest Newsletter is here


1st July 2024

Save the dates!   We have a Church Weekend At Home on the weekend of Friday 20 - Sunday 22 September, with Chris Jack (of Spurgeon's College and formerly of Moorlands College). Full details nearer to the time but please keep these dates free if you are able.

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry can be found here


5th June 2024

The Church Prayer Diary for July can be found here.

20th June 2024

The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) helps the Baptist, Methodist and United Reformed Churches to work together for peace and justice through listening, learning, praying, speaking and acting on public policy issues. Its work is guided by Six Hopes for society, focused around the areas of poverty, refugees, the environment, the economy, peace, and politics. It has produced a briefing sets which out some of the key issues at stake in the coming General Election in each of these policy areas, and suggests questions which might be raised with candidates about them. You can find the briefing here

19th June 2024

14th June 2024

13th June 2024

The planned removal of tree roots which were pushing up through the tarmac in the car park is now substantially complete. It will be resurfaced on Friday (14th) and will be ok for use on Sunday (16th).

7th June 2024

There will be ground work carried out in the front Car Park (accessed from Grosvenor Road) from early Tuesday 11th June to (and including) Friday 14th June. This is the continuation of the tree clearance work, concentration is now with the roots. It will not be possible to access the front car park, so please use the rear car park (accessed from Queens Road) if visiting the centre and church.

31st May 2024

HOPE Coventry's latest Newssheet is here.

24th May 2024

The Prayer Diary for June is available here.

23rd May 2024

A reminder that on Sunday (26th May) we have our alternative format for worship, this time with ther added excitement of a Baptism in the 10.30am service:-
10am Prayer Meeting
10.30am Traditional Worship
11.15am Refreshments
11.30am Interactive worship including Bring and Share lunch finishing around 1pm.
For lunch please bring cold food only. Hot drinks are provided and hot water for packeted soup.
If you are not able to be with us in person you can join the 10.30am service, live or later, online here

17th May 2024

MotoFest takes place on the 1st & 2nd of June across Coventry City Centre. It is a cultural festival celebrating transport heritage and pioneering its future. In 2023 over 200,000 people attended MotoFest to see live motorsport on Coventry’s streets, classic car displays and parades, manufacturer displays, Coventry Concours, art, film, music and more. 2024 is Motofest's 10th anniversary year

As Motofest seriously limits access to our premises, our service at 10.30am on 2nd June will be online only. The link will be found here


3rd May 2024

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry is here.

25th April 2024

The church Prayer Diary for May can be found here (printable)

19th April 2024

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry is here.

Our Mission Partner, Open Doors has made available information about how to pray for the elections currently going on in India. You can find it here.

11th April 2024

A newsletter from the Community of the Cross of Nails (which the church is a member of) can be found here.

10th April 2024

Castle Hill Baptist Church in Warwick (whose Minister is our former member Kevin Johnson) have again organised a learning and growing opportunity under the name "Deeper".

Formerly President of Baptists Together, and with 20 years
 experience as a church leader, Ken is now a leading voice in
 the whole-life discipleship movement. As Director of Church
 Relationships at LICC (London Institute for Contemporary
 Christianity), Ken is responsible for leading their church-facing
 work, helping fuel a sustainable whole-life disciplemaking
 culture in the UK church.

5th April 2024

The latest magazine of our mission partner African Pastors Fellowship can be found here.

4th April 2024

St Andrew’s House, Coventry, is a residential home for older people run by the Trustees of St Andrew’s House. The home was opened in 1956 and originally operated under the name of Coventry and District Free Church Homes for the Elderly. They have asked us to publicise that they currently have rooms available for permanent or respite care. More information is here.

3rd April 2024

A Bible based art event called Threads Through Creation is opening soon at Lichfield Cathedral. It runs from 17th April until 2nd June as part of a nationwide tour of 20 cathedrals.
The show consists of twelve beautiful silk panels re-imagining the story of creation from Genesis. The panels are huge (nearly 3m high) and reported to be truly breathtaking.  Textile artist Jacqui Parkinson spent three years making them – and used eight million stitches!
Admission is free. For more information and opening times see here.
There is a Baptist Times article about it here.


22nd March 2024

The latest HOPE Coventry newsletter is here.

21st March 2024

Next Sunday, 24th March, the service at 10.30am will include Believers Baptism. Do join us in the church if you can or watch online. You can find the online link here.

If you would like to learn more about Baptism you can read about it here or you can talk to our minister, Rev. Neil Martin.

20th March 2024

The organisation Open Doors is one of our mission partners. You can find some new material about their work here.

14th March 2024

Thank you to everyone who contributed, donated or helped in any way at our Christian Aid Lent soup lunch.   We raised £230 towards this year's Christian Aid Lent and Easter appeal. 

7th March 2024

Our Arty Crafters group meet on Thursday 14 March from 10a.m. to make simple Easter cards with Annette, who will provide most card materials. If you have extra greetings stickers or stamps eg. "Easter blessings" which you'd like to use for the inside of the card, please feel free to bring them for the activity. Everyone welcome. Please contact the Church office if you have any questions.

6th March 2024

For your diary:-  Christ in the Precinct  - There will be an inter-church witness in Shelton Square on Good Friday March 29th from 10.30am to 11.30am. Please support this if you are able on such an important day for Christians.

23rd February 2024

The church Prayer Diary for March is available for download here.

The latest newsletter from HOPE Coventry is here


8th February 2024



1st February 2024

We have received the following request from the Christian Union at Coventry University:-  "Next week (5-9th Feb) we will be having our events week titled "Story"
Through this week we are trying to encourage our members to share their testimonies and stories to people across the university. These are all linked to the topic talks, varying from 'Do we have Purpose?' to 'How can we have peace with death?'.
We are hoping this will impact the university and our members greatly, giving people the opportunity to hear The Gospel, while enabling our members to grow in their faith and evangelising to other students. It would be great if you all could pray for us during this week - for all the events to go smoothly, for God to use us to reach students and bring them closer to him, to impact the university, and for our CU members to be encouraged and bold in sharing their faith and inviting people to the events".

31st January 2024

BMS World Mission Day of Prayer  -  BMS World Mission is inspired by a heart to bring the gospel where it’s not known, to bring hope to a troubled world and to bring help for the journeys of the displaced. They respond to suffering and injustice with the promise of abundant life in Christ. And they need our prayers to fulfil that task. Next Sunday (4th February) is the BMS World Mission Day of Prayer. Please do join in by spending some time today praying for their work across the world and for God’s name to be known by all. (If you are at QRBC spend a few moments checking the Mission Noticeboard in the top vestibule for more information).

Wednesday Fellowship meet next  Wednesday 7th February in the Suite Lounge. 10.30am Coffee/Tea followed by 11am Meeting with our minister, Rev Neil Martin.
All Welcome.

REAL* Ladies Group  - Snowdrop Walk - Tuesday 20th February - Come and join us for a walk in Wolston Woods (or rather an amble) to look upon God’s creation—snowdrops. Meet in Wolston car park at 2.30pm and then all back to Kay Hamer’s for toasted muffins and cups of tea. Details from Kay Hamer.

(*REAL - Relationships, Encouraging, Accountability, Laughter. A group of women, getting to know one another better and having fun together!)

Arty Crafters – Craft with Chris  Thursday 8th February in the Small Hall 10am -12.30pm. You are welcome to come and share a cuppa & chat. This time "Signs of Spring – Create a simple card". Materials will be provided, but if you have your own basic kit it is always useful to bring it for the activity. Any queries, please contact Coral or Helen in the office

30th January 2024

The Church Prayer Diary for February is here

Church Members are reminded that there will be a Members Meeting after the service next Sunday morning, 4th February. The papers for the meeting will be in the Members Area of this website later in the week.

26th January 2024

The latest Newletter from HOPE Coventry is here.

24th January 2024

"Walking with Jesus” is the title of the series of Bible Studies we will use during Lent. The Course consisting of 5 studies:

Approaching Jerusalem (Mark)

Questions and Signs (Luke)

The Last Supper (Matthew)

Arrest and Crucifixion (John)

Resurrection (Luke)

It provides a framework for reading through the Gospel accounts of the lead-up to Easter and enables us to set aside time to explore this most special of seasons in company with others. The Course material is provided as a pdf download which can be read on a computer, tablet or even a smartphone or, if you prefer, as a paper copy. Each session contains 2 or 3 Bible passages, helpful comments, and questions to stimulate thought and discussion.
If you are already an active member of a House Group you will probably be able to work through the material with your Group as part of its usual programme – though as some of the Groups meet fortnightly, they may be starting the Course a little earlier in order to have time to complete all five sessions before Easter. 
Alternatively you could, of course, simply use the material on your own in the weeks leading up to Easter, but you would find greater benefit, we suggest, by being able to link up with some friends to read through it together. 
A good way of doing this would be to agree with two or three friends – people who live near you, perhaps, or folk you know well in the Church – or even, if you’re really brave, people you’ve never really spoken to and don’t know at all! Maybe you’re good friends with some of your neighbours and could invite them to share the Course with you.
However you go about it, start by deciding you want to be involved and ask God to show you who you could ask to share the journey with you. 
You can indicate your interest by signing up on the forms available in the foyer or on line here

18th January 2024

We have some new information from two of our Mission Partners. The latest Impetus magazine from African Pastors Fellowship is here. And a new publication from Open Doors is here

As Neil explained in the service last week, over the coming months, we are looking at 5 Signs of Life which we believe are characteristics of a healthy church (and a church we want to be).  
Each month, we will have teaching on the month’s topic in 2 services, followed by a further week when we will do things differently, to enable an interactive time together, looking at how we work out the topic, both as a church and as individuals.  Doing things differently one Sunday a month also allows us to have a more traditional service alongside a more informal and interactive service.
So, on what will usually be the fourth Sunday, the timetable will be as follows:
10.30-11.15am in the Chapel: a shorter, more traditional service, streamed online as usual.
11.15-11.30am in the Servery: Coffee for us to gather together, whether we have come for the first or second service, or both!
11.30am-1pm in the Large Hall: a more informal and interactive service, including a longer period of sung worship, a bring and share lunch, prayer and discussion around tables, to share how we apply the ideas and practices we have heard about in the 2 teaching sessions. This service will not be streamed, and there will be no children’s or youth groups, as we envisage all ages joining this time together.  The aim is that we will finish by about 1pm (including lunch), so the overall time frame for both services ends no later than when the last folk tend to leave on a normal Sunday.


Signs of Life programme
January     "Driven by worship"
February     "Shaped by scripture"
April    "People who matter"
May    "People with purpose"
June    "Called to act"

We will take a break from the series in March to prepare for Easter

We are really excited about the opportunities that these changes allow, and for this series as a whole. We understand that some may wish to come to only one of the services on the ‘fourth’ Sunday, but others may wish to come to both.

12th January 2024

10th January 2024

Unfortunately, we are still experiencing difficulties with the boilers which heat both the chapel and the large hall.  However, we have decided that the service this Sunday will still take place in the chapel and will be streamed online, as normal.
Please dress in warm clothes and bring blankets and hot drinks, if you wish.  We are hoping that hot drinks will again be available before the service.
The heating will be on in the rear premises and so children's and young people's groups will not be affected by these issues.
We of course understand that some will prefer to join us online, but we hope you will be with us either in person or online as this will be the first in the new series on the Signs of Life programme.
The heating engineers are due to come out but this may not be until after Sunday. Please do pray that they will be able to resolve the issues and restore our ability to heat the chapel and large hall.

5th January 2024

Following Open Christmas using our premises, we have had this message from the organiser.

"I just want to thank the Church leaders and the members of the church for allowing us to use the building each year. We give joy and positivity to as many people as we can every year and would not be able to do this without the amazing people at QRBC. The love and kindness from everyone at QRBC over the Christmas period is amazing and we are so grateful. I have attached some of the photo's for you all to look at - over the week we did over 875 meals and 2000 hot drinks.

We look forward to working with you all in 2024 and please let me know if there are any problems that need to be sorted.

Many Thanks


Natasha also has sent the most amazing message of thanks from a mum of 5 who attended The Great Toy Giveaway on Sat 23rd at QRBC as part of Open Christmas.

31st December 2023

HOPE Coventry's end of year Newsletter is available here.

22nd December 2023

The church Prayer Diary for January is available here

21st December 2023

Feed the Hungry (which Foodbank is part of) are looking for a Chef for one of their projects. If you or someone you know is interested you can find the details here.

20th December 2023

It was announced last Sunday that Simeon Colville will be undertaking a 9 month internship with us, starting in January. The initial plan is that he will help support youth work, some new community outreach and engagement projects, as well as more general aspects of ministry. Simeon says "I am really excited to have this opportunity and look forward to making a start!"

19th December 2023

Our Christmas appeal this year is spread across three causes. Details of the charities and information on how to give can be found in last week's Newssheet which can be viewed here.

15th December 2023

This Sunday (17th) at 6.30pm we have our Carol Service in the church followed by minced pies with tea, cooffee or squash. All are very welcome. If you cannot attend then the service is available online on this link, either live or after the event  Feel free to send this link to your family, friends and neighbours!

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry is here.

14th December 2023

Some information if you are thinking of donating clothes to help those who need the:-

Coventry Open Christmas have reached capacity for clothing donations and will not be accepting anymore.

Our own Foodbank Centre also has no storage room for additional clothes

Clothing Coventry are not accepting donations until they have fitted out the warehouse that they have got the keys to this week.

7th December 2023

The latest newsletter from our Mission Partner the Light House is available here

You may have seen the Christmas Adverts from the likes of John Lewis and Marks & Spencer but now you can see the big one! Coventry Foodbank's Christmas video can be seen by clicking here and scrolling down.

1st December 2023

The Church Prayer Diary for December is here

28th November 2023

Next Sunday, 3rd December, Jane Hanger will be selling the Wood craft displayed at Harvest along with handmade bags from Indonesia. Potential Christmas presents!?!  Proceeds to Operation Agri.

27th November 2023


Considerable work to renew some of the elctrical equipment around the Chapel has been taking place over the last week. This includes some new lighting in the Chapel and a new Consumer Unit to control that part of the premises.

Advanced Notice - On 11th January at 7pm at church we shall be starting a Youth Alpha series. If you know anyone who might be interested in this please tell them about it. Youth Alpha have an excellent website for interested young people to look at. If you need more details of our series please contact Liz Martin.

23rd November 2023

Next Sunday, 26th November, a Church Members Meeting will follow the morning service. Documents relating to the meeting including the proposed budget for 2024 can be found here. You will need to be logged in as a Member to access this page. If you have any difficulty please ask for help from

18th November 2023

An advanced notice that we shall be having a 'Reflections for Christmas' evening at church on 11th December from 7pm, led by Kay Hamer.

7th November 2023

Next Sunday, 12th November, we will have another Bring and Share lunch following the service at about 12.30pm. Please take the food you bring to the main kitchen before the service.

3rd November 2023

The church has been a member of the Community of the Cross of Nails for many years. Their latest Newsletter is here.

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry is here

Our Mission Partner, Coventry City Mission are launching their Giving Tree Appeal. More information here.

Celebrating 10 years of City Praise  -  We are invited to a very special City Praise & Prayer on Sunday 12 November at 6:30pm.
It will be 10 Years, almost to the day, since the very first City Praise & Prayer in 2013. Over the last decade the Christians and churches of Coventry have stood together in unity, twice a year, to lift up Jesus in praise and worship and to intercede for our city and beyond. This tyime as usual there will be a focus on prayer. but there will also be a little bit of time to celebrate God’s goodness over the last decade and to share some plans for the future.

The venue will be CLM Church, CV1 2HG, with free parking opposite in the TechnoCentre. If you have any questions please email

30th October 2023

The Church Prayer Diary for November can be found here.

26th October 2023

There are road closures next Sunday (29th Octoiber) because of the Coventry Half Marathon.  The closures principally affect the city centre within the ring road as well as various roads in Coundon, Allesley and Keresley, and may impact journeys both to and from the church. Full details are here.

Also a reminder that the clocks change next Saturday night so you will have an extra hour to use as you will before the service at 10.30am GMT.

The latest Newsletter from Coventry Youth for Christ can be found here.

23rd October 2023

Here is the link for the Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Revd Grenville Overton

20th October 2023

Help needed please. Chapel and Main Kitchen Cleaning will take place on Saturday 21st October from 9.30am - 12.30pm, can you spare 60 minutes or longer to help make this task of cleaning easier for all? Many thanks if you can.

6th October 2023 (Updated)

Following the death of the Rev Grenville Overton (a former Minister of QRBC) on 30th September arrangements are being made to remember and celebrate his life. There is to be a PRIVATE FAMILY ONLY committal on the morning of Tuesday 24th October, followed by a service of Thanksgiving, here at Queens Road Baptist Church, in the afternoon at 3pm. This will be followed by refreshments. It would be helpful if you could notify us if you are planning to attend - email. It is also hoped that the service will be streamed online (Details to follow here).

4th October 2023

African Pastors Fellowship is one of our Mission Partners. Their latest newletter can be found here.

3rd October 2023

Tributes to our former Minister, Rev Grenville Overton, who died last weekend can be found here.

1st October 2023

Next Sunday, 8th October, we will hold our next Bring & Share lunch after the service. All are welcome to join. Please take any food you have brought to share to the Kitchen before the service.

28th September 2023

As we celebrate Harvest next Sunday (1st October), as well as bringing gifts for Foodbank, we will be learning of ways in which Operation Agri assists farmers in other parts of the world improve their harvests, bringing in sufficient for their own needs and enough to sell to provide other essentials like school uniform and books.
Operation Agri, which was started 60 years ago to support Baptist missionaries with ‘secular’ items such as seeds and farming equipment, is still run mainly by volunteers, which means more of the gifts received go directly to help folk overseas  Jane Hanger is one of the trustees overseeing 4 projects in Africa.. She will be happy to tell you what this involves if you ask her. Nowadays support is given to farmers more directly through local contacts.
Presently OA works in 10 countries, supporting 14 projects.  Many of these projects try to help people to become less dependent on outside resources.  Often this means training and sharing ideas.  Occasionally it involves funding equipment to make things that are needed rather than having to buy them.  Other times higher yielding crop varieties or animal breeds are funded. ‘Help others to help themselves’ is one of the mottos.
OA’s other motto is ‘Christian love in action’ as they seek to put into practice Jesus’ command to love our neighbours.  On Sunday we will be learning about some of our neighbours in Tanzania.

Operation Agri branded envelopes are available in the pews if you would like to donate.  Or you can make a gift direct to Operation Agri Sort Code: 80-22-60 Account no: 20935768 quoting reference AA23.  If you are able to email to let them know the gift is coming and that they are a part of QRBC that would be extra helpful (but not essential).  Operation Agri’s current appeal can be found here

Coventry Foodbank would be grateful for gifts of food especially:-
Foodbank who are extremely short of the following.
Tinned Meat  Tinned Fish  Tea  Coffee  Puddings
No water, fruit shoot-type drinks, Fizzy Pop or alcohol please.

Our Praise & Prayer time is on Sunday at 6pm (Drinks and cakes from 5.45pm) Graham Carpmail will tell us how QRBC Foodbank centre can make us of any good quality clothes and good soft toys, that you may be able to donate.

27th September 2023

Our October Prayer Diary can be found here

24th September 2023

We are excited to be starting the recruitment process for a new position:-

Families’ and Children’s Worker
Part time (20 hours/week)
£24,000 and £27,500 FTE depending on experience and qualifications
QRBC is a long-established Baptist church in the city centre of Coventry, and has served a changing and diverse congregation from across the city for over a hundred years.  As a church we believe God is leading us to invest in our families’ and children’s work, and so we are looking to employ a Families’ and Children’s Worker.
This is an exciting opportunity to build on a solid reputation but to make a fresh start in this work.  Pre-Covid, we had a strong work amongst families, but this stopped during the pandemic, and key leaders have moved on.  We are therefore looking for a pioneer, who is a committed Christian with a mature faith, dedicated, a self-starter who obviously can work within a structure but who is not afraid to develop new ideas with a blank sheet of paper.  
There is a Genuine Occupational Requirement that the postholder will be a committed Christian because of the Christian discipleship and evangelism responsibilities of the role.  
Closing date 31 October 2023.

Full details of the Job Description, Person Specification and how to apply can be found here

23rd September 2023

For Church Members, the documents for the Church Meeting following the service tomorrow (24th September) can be found here. You will need to be logged in.

19th September 2023

On 1st October we shall have our Harvest Thanksgiving service (at 10.30am). Our Harvest appeal will support the work of Coventry Foodbank and of Operation Agri. One of the founders of Foodbank, Gavin Kibble, and our Foodbank Centre Manager, Graham Carpmail, have wriiten about the work which you can find here. We shall have more about Operation Agri next week.

12th September 2023

As a church we are affiliated to the Baptist Union of Great Britain. Their annual report has recently been published and can be found here

11th September 2023

Next Sunday (17th) in our journey through the books of the Bible we reach the Song of Songs. You will find some information here which you may like to use to prepare for the service.

5th September 2023

Next Sunday, 10th September, we will be having our next Bring & Share lunch after the service. In view of the good weather forecast this will be a picnic in Spencer Park rather than in the church buildings.

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry is here

3rd September 2023

Housegroups will be starting again in September and we are hoping to add new groups to the 5 already running to make room for more people. The groups provide a mid-week meeting point where, as one of a group of friends, you will find fellowship, encouragement and much more. Each group has its own ethos, but all exist to further the Church’s verse of the year, stirring up one another to love and good works. So there’s usually a mix of teaching, praying and mutual support, held together with fun, food and fellowship. Sounds good? Watch out for information about how to join in later in the  month.

23rd August 2023

The Prayer diary for September is here.

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry is here.

17th August 2023

Women’s Football World Cup Final

Well done to the England’s Lionesses on getting through to the Final on Sunday morning.  Having considered whether we should change our service shortly after seeing the semifinal result, we have decided not to change our planned service on Sunday. We therefore encourage you to join us at the usual time of 10.30am. The service should however be finished in time for those who wish to watch the second half at their homes. 

16th August 2023

As has been well publicised Foodbanks are struggling to meet the demand for food parcels. In Coventry the Foodbank has said this week that the list of items on the left shows the things they are most in need of. There is a large clear plastic box in the Church Vestibule if there are any items that you are able to donate.

9th August 2023

The August newsletter from HOPE Coventry which keeps us up to date with what is happening in the Christian life of the city is here.

1st August 2023

The latest newsletter from our Mission Partners The Light House (Christian Counselling Service) is available to read here.

30th July 2023

The latest news from one of our Mission Partners, Coventry Youth for Christ, is here.

Our Bible Book introduction to Chronicles began earlier this year in the sermon on 23rd April, with 1 Chronicles. Part two, 2 Chronicles, is on Sunday 6th August . Since the two studies go together you may find these YouTube links helpful.  The QRBC recording of part 1 is here and the BibleProject’s introduction to both books is here

Creche, JaM, FSG Leaders are taking a well deserved break over the summer period and so these groups will not be meeting. However, we have organised that each Sunday there will be a simple craft/colouring activities linked with the service theme through the summer break.

These activities are aimed at JaM age.(Pre-school upto to the end of Primary school)  Parents/carers are invited to bring their child after the prayers to the front of the Chapel where the activities are taking place just off to the side. Please note parents remain responsible for their children at all times.

Last week the children produced  craft based on Esther.


28th July 2023

The Church Prayer Diary for August can be found here.

26th July 2023

Tomorrow, Thursday 27th, our Duke of Edinburgh Award young people going for their Gold Award start their final expeditions. Please pray for safety and enjoyment for them.

The latest news from HOPE Coventry which tells you what is happening across the city can be found here.

12th July 2023

The latest newsletter from HOPE Coventry is here.

11th July 2023

4th July 2023

3rd July 2023

Wednesday Fellowship meets this week (5th July) in the lounge at 10.30am for coffee/tea. And then from 11am in the Chapel, enjoy hearing (and singing with) our organ, played by Robert Whale. There is plenty of room for all who wish to come.

30th June 2023

We have a Duke of Edinburgh Award Promotional Evening  on Tuesday 4th July 7pm-8pm (Large Hall).
Would you (or anyone you know) would be interested in doing DofE with us at QRBC from September? The sessions are on Friday evenings during term time and we are recruiting now for Bronze, Silver and Gold. To find out more, join us at the Information evening.

19th June 2023

Latest news from Christian Aid, one of our Mission Partners, can be found here.

15th June 2023

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry is here

12th June 2023

Advanced notice - On Friday 23rd June the main church car park off Grosvenor Road will not be available for use as tree surgery is taking place. (This does not affect the early departure of Silver D of E Expeditions for whom special arrangements have been made).

HOPE Coventry, the ecumenical church network, is recruiting for a CV1 & CV6 local area coordinator for Good Neighbours. Could this be you? The Good Neighbours Coventry coordinator trains volunteers to befriend housebound older people, and helps friendships between older people & volunteers grow. They also make community group and church links for older people.The role is 10 hours per week, highly flexible, and could suit someone semi-retired, with school run commitments, or studying part-time. A vehicle is essential due to home visits.

Full details: . Closing date for applications: Monday 26th June, 8am

6th June 2023

Coventry Youth for Christ (who have their office on our premises) are having a fund raising event which you may be interested in.

1st June 2023

A reminder that the Church Prayer Diary for June is here.

30th May 2023

The Agenda and other documents for tonight's Church Members meeting are in the Members Area of the website. Members who have not logged in to the Members Area will find that the way of getting in has changed a little. Please see here for how to access the Members area.

24th May 2023

The Church Prayer Diary for June is here.

The Church Day of Prayer and Fasting is on Saturday 10th June. Rev Neil Martin has provided details here.

22nd May 2023

Some of our new House Groups are now starting to meet. It is not too late to join one. You can click here or use the QR code to let us know of your interest and we will get back to you with your options..

18th May 2023

A reminder that this Sunday, 21st May, we have Praise and Prayer from 6pm to 7pm with Tea, Coffee and Cakes from 5.45pm.

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry can be found here.

10th May 2023

We have been asked by Pete Curran of Motofest to pass on the following information:-

On the 3rd and 4th of June, 250,000 visitors will arrive in Coventry for MotoFest 2023. This is an event organised by the church (led by Jubilee Church) because we love Coventry, but people will only know that if we're out there to say hello! It would be great to have smiling faces from Queen's Road out to join us for a few hours on the weekend as MotoFest ambassadors and to give out leaflets, provide directions and set the culture for the city. 

Pete Curran is organising volunteers through Jubilee Church - we're looking for teams of three that would like to give 2 or 3 hours of your time on either Saturday or Sunday. You can also sign up as an individual and we'll place you in a team. T shirts, refreshments, and leaflets will be provided. This isn't an explicitly evangelistic role - if people ask how to get to the bus station you don't need to tell them Jesus is the way! However, we always get to have great conversations that share God's love for the city and its heritage. Many of our best teams have been families, or students working together.

Sign up at and Pete will be in touch to answer any questions and work out a slot.

8th May 2023

Yesterday, as we marked the Coronation, we took our regular Bring and Share lunch to the park and, we believe, a good time was had by all. Perhaps you would like to join us next month - watch for details.

4th May 2023

As part of the celebrations around the Coronation, our next bring and share lunch will be a picnic in Spencer Park after our service on Sunday 7 May. Please bring something to share and something to sit on.  We will aim to head over to the park from 12.30pm

Also on Sunday there is a Community Street Party in Queens Road in afternoon and evening (which we are invited to join in). This will affect access to the church car park in Queens Road - more details here.

2nd May 2023

The latest Hope Coventry newsletter can be found here.

Advanced Notice

29th April 2023

The May Prayer Diary is available here

28th April 2023

Our Mission Partner, Coventry Youth For Christ have appointed a new Director, Steph Pring. Some of you may recognise Steph as she already works for CYFC and is based at the CYFC Office here at QRBC. You can read all about what is happening at CYFC in their latest newssheet available by clicking here.

27th April 2023

Advance Notice:Motofest 4th June 2023 18.30

Join City Praise & Prayer Open Air Sevice at Greyfriars Green (near the train station) on Sunday 4th June at 6:30pm, at the end of the MotoFest Weekend.It will be a glorious occasion, exciting to gather together in that space, and deeply significant as those attending pray in unity for Coventry and beyond.

Please note there will be no in-person service at Queens Road Baptist Church on Sunday 4th June in the morning. There will be a pre-recorded service available to watch. Details will be circulated nearer the time.


26th April 2023

The church administrator will be available today on Zoom from 2pm - 2.45pm. An opportunity to drop by, say hello, ask a question etc. Please email Helen at for the link.

Upcoming dates for your diary:

Coffee Morning Thursday 4th May 10am - 12 noon

This is the regular monthly coffee morning held in the servery at QRBC. The coffee and cake are complimentary, so why not grab a friend and come and say hello? 

Coronation Bring & Share Picnic - Sunday 7 May

As part of the celebrations around the Coronation, our next bring and share lunch will be a picnic in Spencer Park after our service on Sunday 7 May. Please bring something to share and something to sit on.  We will aim to head over to the park from 12.30pm.

(Please note there will be no bring and share lunch on 14th May).

Arty Crafters; 2nd Thursday of the month in the Small Hall 10 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.
Thursday May 11th - Decoupage Card with Marie (Rescheduled from March)  The activity involves cutting and sticking.
Thursday June 8th -  Rainbow Stencilling with Brenda.
Most materials will be provided for each of the activities.
For further details, please contact Coral or Helen in the office  

20th April 2023

The Sunday service link for 23rd April 2023 can be found here

17th April 2023

We our doing a re-launch of our homegroups. To see what our Minister, Neil, has to say about it click here.

7th April 2023

Correcting previous information on this site, both services on Easter Day will be streamed to Facebook Live and YouTube. You can find the links here.

5th April 2023

A reminder that our Lent series of online Bible Studies concludes on Thursday evening (6th) at 7.30pm. All of the details can be found here.

A reminder that as it is a Wednesday, today is the day when you can have a Zoom chat with Helen, our Administrator. She will try to answer any questions you might have about church matters or be happy just to mhave a general chat with you.  Join Helen at 2pm on Zoom. The login details are here (third one on the list) or you can email Helen for the link.

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry can be found here

4th April 2023

An accompanying booklet with words for the songs and Church Family news can be found here

For those who are not familiar with this service, we started to produce monthly it during the pandemic on a CD particularly for those who could not access the online services. We recognised however that others might like to listen as well so we have put it on the website too. Since the pandemic restrictions have been lifted we produce it less often however we believe it is still valued. Thanks to Judith Brazier who pulls it all together, Don Brown who produces the recording and all who have taken part. If you have any comments or suggestions please contact Judith.

3rd April 2023

The Easter Prayer letter for Coventry Youth for Christ, one of our mission partners, is here.

2nd April 2023

Our Easter Services are as follows:-

Good Friday  7.30pm  Reflective Servcie in the Regent Room. (Not streamed to internet).

Easter Sunday  8.30am  Contemplative Communion  (Not streamed to internet)

  (9.30am  Breakfast Rolls available)

  10.30am  Easter Worship

30th March 2023

A reminder that our Lent series of online Bible Studies continues this evening (23rd) at 7.30pm. All of the details can be found here.

29th March 2023

Advanced notice of Arty Crafters meeting on Thursday 13th April – in the Lounge 10 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

“Costume, Textile Design & Creativity”  - You are invited to meet Eve Harris who will talk a little about her experiences whilst studying for a degree at Huddersfield University and show some examples of her work. Eve has prepared materials and threads for those who wish to create a design for an Embroidered Coaster, but suggests you might prefer to bring your own needle for the optional activity. She will also have a few small items available for purchase from the little shop she set up during “lock-down.”  There is no obligation either to purchase or to do an activity.  Just come along and enjoy the company.  All are welcome.
Coffee/Tea & biscuits provided. Further details from Coral or Helen (office)

28th March 2023

A reminder that on Thursday (30th) we have a Coffee Morning in the Servery from 10am to 12 noon. Everyone is welcome. There will be free Tea, Coffee and cold drinks plus Cakes, Biscuits etc and we will do our best to make sure it is warm. This is a good chance to meet up with friends and to make new ones.

27th March 2023

Our Prayer Diary for April is available here.

Documents for the AGM and Church Meeting to be held next Sunday, 2nd April can be found on the Members Area of the website. Members will need to log in to access these - please read the note at the top of this page.

24th March 2023

The Thursday youth group are going to be sleeping out on 5th April to raise money for young people in need who don't have a place to stay.
Many young people do unfortunately have to experience this, and we'd like to help tackle this injustice by raising money for YMCA, who can make a real difference. To find ourt more click here.

23rd March 2023

A reminder that our Lent series of online Bible Studies continues this evening (23rd) at 7.30pm. All of the details can be found here.

22nd March 2023

21st March 2023

16th March 2023

The Study notes and login in details for tonight's online Bible Study can be found here

15th March 2023

ARTY CRAFTERS Dates for future activities - Thursdays - 10am to 12.30 pm
April 13th - Embroidered Coaster with Eve (N.B. in the Lounge)
May 11th - Decoupage with Marie (Rescheduled from March)
June 8th - Rainbow Stencilling with Brenda P

Further details from Coral or from Helen in the office

14th March 2023

A reminder that our Lent series of online Bible Studies starts this Thursday evening (16th) at 7.30pm. All of the details can be found here.

10th March 2023

For your diary, please note that our next Coffee Morning is on Thursday, 30th March (10am till noon) so as to avoid Easter.

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry which contains a number of interesting job vacancies can be found here.

On 18th March at 3pm there is a concert in aid of Global Care at QRBC (Large Hall). Details are here.

9th March 2023

The Arty Crafters have CANCELLED the meeting today due to the adverse weather conditions.

Please do take care if travelling today and if you are aware of anyone needing a phone call to check up on them please let the administrator know. 02476520621 or

A reminder that next Sunday (12th March) we will be holding our next Bring and Share lunch after service at about 12.30pm. Please take your food to the main kitchen before the service so that it can be readied for the meal. This is a great opportunity to spend time with each other and get to know people better.

A reminder for Members -

Candidates for the Election of BU President for 2024-25
We will be holding a short, additional Church Meeting immediately after the service next Sunday, 12 March to decide upon how to use the church's votes for the BU President for 2024-25. Four candidates have been nominated this year and their profiles and video messages are available here. We need to hold an additional Church Members' Meeting to consider this because the closing date for the election falls before our next scheduled meeting on 2 April.  Please do read or watch the profiles in advance of the meeting (because we will not have time to watch all 4 during the meeting) and please do pray about who God is calling to be the President for 2024-25.


7th March 2023

Save the date - Lent Lunch for Christian Aid  -Thursday 23rd March 12 noon - 2pm in the Servery.

Save the date - Sunday 26th March at 6pm  An opportunity to come together in prayer for our community here at Queens Road and beyond. We plan to spend time worship, praise and prayer. This will take place in the servery where there are opportunities for small groups to pray together around tables as well as to unite in the larger group in open prayer and led prayers. This month we plan to offer opportunity and information to help us to pray for our partner churches in Uganda, for Coventry Youth for Christ as well as for our ongoing and pastoral needs as a fellowship.
We will begin at 6pm and plan to finish at 7pm. Tea, Coffee and cake will be available on a DIY basis from 5.45pm and throughout the meeting.

6th March 2023

On Thursday 9th March 2023 Global Care are holding an anniversary prayer day to thanks to God for their 40 years of ministry, and to pray for their present work and future plans. Resources to pray are here if you would like to join in at home. There is also an opportunity to join wuth others on the day to pray. This is at Coventry’s ‘Breathing Space’ prayer rooms, at any time to suit you from 11am to 4pm. Global Care's Patron, Fiona Castle, will be there throughout the day, with at least one staff member. You can pray aloud, read Scripture with us, or pray in silence in a calm space without distraction, as you feel led. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available. The Breathing Space can be found at 123b Birmingham Road, Allesley Village, Coventry, CV5 9GR. Directions and travel advice can be found here. Please note that the only car parking on site is reserved for disabled users. Other cars must be parked on the roadside in the village.

A reminder that next Sunday we will be holding our next Bring and Share lunch after service at about 12.30pm. Please take your food to the main kitchen before the service so that it can be readied for the meal. This is a great opportunity to spend time with each other and get to know people better.

5th March 2023

Liz Martin writes "The Thursday night youth group have been exploring values of the Kingdom of God, and one of these we've spent more time on is justice. As part of this, we have encouraged them to take up some causes, in fundraising, in getting involved, in fact finding. We're hoping that this will culminate in a number of different ventures in the coming months. The young people were keen to try and do something around homelessness, and as the YMCA runs an annual sleep out event, it seemed to be a good idea to join in. We're going to be spending a night outside to see what it's like for many people who don't have secure housing, and raising money for the YMCA. Please do speak to any of the older young people about it, and ask how you can help support them in it! Many thanks."

28th February 2023


Thursday 9th March 10 am. Meet for coffee and chat.
Create a simple decoupage card for Easter.
Marie will provide most materials, but you will need your basic kit with scissors and glue.
Please contact Coral if there are any questions.

Advance Notice
On April 13th at 10am we will have a visit from Eve Harris who will talk a little about her experiences whilst studying Costume and Textile Design at Huddersfield University
and show some examples of her work.

All are welcome. Further information from Coral Lynes or Helen in the church office.

27th February 2023

We are pleased to announce a series of Lent Bible studies on Zoom on Thursdays 16th, 23rd, 30th March and 6th April, led by Rev Ralph Hanger. Details of how to join the study will be available nearer to the time.

A reminder of our Emergency Appeal for Turkey and Syria

We have launched an Emergency Appeal in support of the people affected by the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, which will be channelled through the Christian Aid and the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal. You can make a gift in a suitably marked envelope in the offering box or by transfer to the church bank account (Sort Code 40-52-40, Account Number 00019973).  Alternatively you can donate by credit or debit card herePlease ensure that we know your gift is for this appeal - perhaps the safest way is by a brief email saying that your payment into our bank account or by card is for this appeal.

26th February 2023

The March Prayer diary is available here.

23rd February 2023

This morning our website providers, Church Edit, sent a test email out. If you received it, we are sorry - please ignore it. Church Edit have subsequently fully apologised for this which was unintentional.

We are hearing of new initiatives "but it's something the young people are organising themselves". "We're hoping that this will culminate in a number of different ventures in the coming months". Are you ready for this?

22nd February 2023

Coming soon!


21st February 2023

Each Monday at 6pm during Lent the Chapel of Unity will share a poem, a reflection and prayer via Zoom. More details are here.

Save the date - Sunday Evening Praise and Prayer, Sunday March 26th 6pm to 7pm. More information to follow.

The latest HOPE Coventry newsletter is here.

19th February 2023

Today we have had a very informative meeting with a representative of Open Doors UK, a relatively new m Mission Partner of the church. One event coming up which may be of interest with those who have a special concern for Nigeria is this event.

General elections are being held in Nigeria on 25 February to elect the president and vice president and members of the Senate and House of Representatives.

In partnership with prayer watch Nigeria, Jesus House and Prayer Storm, Open Doors would like to invite you to an evening devoted to prayer for the upcoming elections.

You will need to sign up for the event here

16th February 2023

Emergency Appeal for Turkey and Syria

We have launched an Emergency Appeal in support of the people affected by the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, which will be channelled through the Christian Aid and the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal. You can make a gift in a suitably marked envelope in the offering box or by transfer to the church bank account (Sort Code 40-52-40, Account Number 00019973).  Alternatively you can donate by credit or debit card herePlease ensure that we know your gift is for this appeal - perhaps the safest way is by a brief email saying that your payment into our bank account or by card is for this appeal.

15th February 2023

A prayer guide produced by Baptist World Mission for the Turkey and Syria Earthquake situation can be found here.

Tearfund, who are part of the Disasters Emergency Committee, have information and their appeal here.

10th February 2023

We have a new  posting on our Life of Faith blog from Anita White. You may have heard her speaking about her recent trip to Kenya for Global Care in the service last Sunday. Her post summarises what she said then and includes a short video about the trip. It can be found here.

8th February 2023

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry is here.

7th February 2023

A reminder that next Sunday (12th) after the morning service we will have a bring and share lunch starting at about 12.30. Please take your food to the main kitchen before the service so that it can be readied for the meal. This is a great opportunity to spend time with each other and get to know people better.

31st January 2023

The church Prayer Diary for February is here.

30th January 2023

The latest Newsletter of our Mission Partner Coventry Youth for Christ is available here.


This week!


27th January 2023

Documents for the Church members meeting which follows service on Sunday are now available. Please go to the Members Area of the website, log in and select Church Meeting on the drop down box under "Members Area".

Save the date: Our Mission Action Group are planning a meeting to showcase a relatively new Mission Partner of the church - Open Doors. This will be at 3pm on Sunday 19th February. More details to follow soon but if you don't want to wait you can find out more here

25th January 2023

A reminder to those who are formal Church Members that there is a Members Meeting after the Sunday Service this week, starting shortly after noon.

Our Mission Partners at APF (African Pastors Fellowship) are looking for people who could run a fund raising quiz for them locally. If you would like to know more details they are here.

23rd January 2023

HOPE Coventry have appointed a new Chief Operations Officer. You can see the details in their Newsletter here

19th January 2023

Tools with a Mission, a Christian charity that collects donated tools, refurbishes them, sorts them into trade tool kits and sends them to Africa for livelihood creation.  They say "God has been doing amazing things amongst us and the biggest miracle was the provision of a large new Refurbishment Centre in Rugby.  It opened in August 2022 and is supported by a team of around 35 volunteers and a full time apprentice.  Sadly, our Centre Manager is leaving us and we are seeking a replacement. Full details including role description and application form can be found on our website here."

18th January 2023

Due to computer issues there may be some delay in replying to emails to the church office ( or If your message is urgent please resend it to

17th January 2023

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18 – 25 January 2023 is being marked at the Chapel of Unity at Coventry Cathedral

Daily 30 minute Mediations  Wednesday, 18 – Wednesday 25 January (omitting Sunday 22 January)
6.00pm via Zoom. The link is
Meeting ID: 889 2223 1076  Passcode: 492331
Sunday 22nd January at 2pm
United service in the Chapel of Unity to which everyone is welcome. The service will also be available on the Coventry Cathedral Facebook Livestream:  A copy of the service can be downloaded from their Facebook page: Chapel of Unity

13th January 2023

BMS World Mission is one of our Mission Partners. If you are not quite sure what they do they have produced a 2 minute video which summarises their work which you can see here.

11th January 2023

As many of you will know we are very committed to working with Coventry Foodbank and we run one of their 14 distribution points in the city. These distribution points are supported by a warehouse in Binley which recently has had some very big donations of food which is great! But that food now needs to be sorted so that it can be quickly and easily be distributed. Getting volunteers to do this has been difficult so if you can help at some point this week or next please contact Tony Lee 02476 993770 to sort out when you could go.

7th January 2023

We were sorry to hear of the death before Christmas of our Member Rita Barnes. The funeral will be on Monday 16th January at 2pm at QRBC. It will be conducted by Rev Roger Woodward and be followed by a committal at 3pm for family only. There will be a gathering afterwards at the Festival pub.

4th January 2023

The European Baptist Federation invites us to a Prayer Vigil for Peace in Ukraine  on Friday, 6 January 2023 at  21:00 UK time, 23:00 Ukraine time, finishing at midnight Ukraine time, the start of Christmas Day in Ukraine.
The Christmas Eve Prayer Vigil will be hosted by EBF President Stefan Gisiger and include stories, information and a variety of prayer times.
Please register to join Prayer Gathering on Zoom to pray together for the situation in Ukraine. We believe that prayers are more powerful than anything else.
After registering at the web address below, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

"The Illustration is "Ukrainian Mother and Child" by A Von Hartung who has kindly allowed EBF to use the painting and is glad to able to connect again with the Baptist family. The painting is filled with darkness and light, violence and peace. It invities us to consider whose hands are lifting the protective shield over the mother and child".

ARTY CRAFTERS will meet in the Small Hall on Thursday 12th January. Arrival from 10am for a cuppa & chat followed by a craft activity. You are invited to join Annette & Coral to explore more aboutThe Art of Quilling. Please contact Coral Lynes for further details.

3rd January 2023

Prayer before services  --  Following a break for covid, the before service prayer meeting is starting again this Sunday 8th January at 10am.
You don't have to be an out loud 'pray-er' to join, all are welcome.
Please join us in the prayer lounge from 10am for about 15-20 minutes.
If you are taking part in the service and would value prayer for this then join us for 5 mins at 10.15.
The prayers will be led by different people on a roster basis, please speak to Sarah White if you'd like to be involved in this.

A final reminder about our Christmas offering - there is still just time to contribute - full details in the message on 14th December, below.

African Pastors Fellowship is a long time Mission Partner of the church. Their latest Newsletter "Impetus" can be found here. Rev Dave Steadman also sends this message:-

"As part of our commitment to our friends and supporters, we are offering an exciting new opportunity for you to engage directly with APF’s UK personnel and, from time to time, African partners through something we are calling Impetus Live! I mpetus Live! will be an hour long interactive gathering taking place on Zoom in the month following each new publication of the Impetus newsletter. The online meeting will include verbal and visual updates, a brief inspirational message, as well as opportunities for interaction and prayer. The first Impetus Live! will take place on Tuesday 17th January at 7pm. The Zoom joining details are as follows:-  Zoom Meeting ID: 87101408353  Passcode: 200863"

23rd December 2022

A reminder that it is our custom to give away the Christmas Day offering, sharing it between a local need and an international one.
Locally the YMCA provide a place to call home for over 300 young people across, Birmingham, Coventry and Rugby. Young people come to them at risk, or with the reality, of being homeless, and without help and support, they would not have a safe place to live.
The overseas project we will be supporting this Christmas is the European Baptist Federation (EBF) appeal for centres of Heat and Hope for Ukraine.

More details of both causes can be found here.

Donations can be made at the Christmas day service or online - details below

Queens Road Baptist Church
Sort Code 40 52 40
Account 00019973
Reference: “ Christmas”
Donations will be spilt 50/50 between the two charities, unless you specify differently.

22nd December 2022

The last of the online Advent Bible Study series is this evening at 7.30pm with Ralph Hanger. The study notes are here. To join the meeting on Zoom click here. (The meeting ID is 355 031 2236 Passcode HrWfR0 )

21st December 2022

A short Reflective Service for Christmas time is now available here (audio only) and the accompanying booklet is here.

20th December 2022

Coventry Open Christmas will be using our premises from Christmas Eve. They need donations of money but also of food, bedding etc. You can find full details on their website. Goods can be brought to the premises from 22nd December.

We will not be doing any routine updates to the website between Christmas and the New Year, so here, a little early, is the January Prayer Diary.

The next opportunity to speak to Helen, our Administrator on Zoom will be on Wednesday 11th January 2023.

18th December 2022

The facility to make a donation to the church by debit or credit card is now available again here. For more about giving to the church generally please click here.

16th December 2022

Today we have news from our Mission partners in Uganda which you can read here.

15th December 2022

The notes for this evening's online Advent Bible Study (7.30pm) with Ralph Hanger can be found here. To join the meeting on Zoom click here. (The meeting ID is 355 031 2236 Passcode HrWfR0 )

The latest Newsletter from HOPE Coventry can be found here.

14th December 2022

It is our custom to give away the Christmas Day offering, sharing it between a local need and an international one.
Locally the YMCA provide a place to call home for over 300 young people across, Birmingham, Coventry and Rugby. Young people come to them at risk, or with the reality, of being homeless, and without help and support, they would not have a safe place to live.
The overseas project we will be supporting this Christmas is the European Baptist Federation (EBF) appeal for centres of Heat and Hope for Ukraine.

More details of both causes can be found here.

Donations can be made at the Christmas day services or online - details below

Queens Road Baptist Church
Sort Code 40 52 40
Account 00019973
Reference: “ Christmas”
Donations will be spilt 50/50 between the two charities, unless you specify differently.

13th December 2022

Yesterday was the busiest day that our Foodbank Centre has ever had with food for 75 people being provided. An amazing yet awful figure.

8th December 2022

The notes for this evening's online Advent Bible Study (7.30pm) with Ralph Hanger can be found here. To join the meeting on Zoom click here. (The meeting ID is 355 031 2236 Passcode HrWfR0 )

6th December 2022

Coventry Open Christmas will be using our premises again, open 24 hours a day, from 24th -29th December (till 10am) providing food, warmth and comfort 24 hours a day for anyone in need over the festive period. If you wish to donate or volunteer please contact Open Christmas directly - or 075 3497 1747. The Volunteering application form is here. There will be someone from Open Christmas on the premises from 22nd December to receive gifts.

Next Sunday, after the service at about 12.30pm, we shall have a bring and share lunch together. We do hope that you will be able to join us. Going forward we plan to have such lunches on the second Sunday of each month except January, so the next one will be 12th February.

5th December 2022

We know it is only a couple of days since we mentioned it, but we want to encourage you again to read the blogs of the Global Care team visiting Kenya including our member Anita White. They describe situations that, perhaps, we really would prefer to not know about but actually we need to know about. You can read them here - have the tissues to hand.

2nd December 2022

Thank you to the four ladies who ran the Coffee Morning at Church yesterday. The good news is there will be more in 2023! So please make a note that there will be a Coffee Morning the first Thursday of every month in 2023 starting  in February from 10am until 12 noon. Free coffee and free cake.

QR member, Anita White has arrived safely in Kenya as part of the Global Care team, Anita works for Global Care based in Coventry as the communications and fundraising manager and the team she is with will be providing a blog. Click the link to see their updates here


1st December 2022

Coffee Morning today at church, in the servery 10am - 12 noon. This is a new event that hopefully will be repeated on a regular basis. Free tea and coffee and cake  and the opportunity to enjoy one another's company.

Tonight at 7.30pm will be the first of our Advent Bible Studies led by Ralph Hanger. These studies will be online using Zoom, the sign in details are different this Thursday than they have been in the past. Please click here If you have any queries about accessing Zoom please contact Ralph or Helen in the office, click here

Finally our QRBC Foodbank Team will be participating in the National Foodbank Collections being held at Tesco superstores across the country from December 1st to December 3rd. Click here for details.


30th November 2022

Joy Knott has provided an update.

Joy's 26 day Crafting Marathon for breast cancer research. 

There is still time for you to sponsor me to compete my crafting Marathon, which finishes on Friday 9th December. My donation page is at:

Joy's 26 day Crafting Marathon

Help Joy Knott raise money to support Second Hope

Churches in Coventry have produced this Advent video called "The Invitation"  - you may recognise folk!


29th November 2022

This Thursday 1st December at 7.30pm will be the first of our Advent Bible Studies led by Ralph Hanger. These studies will be online using Zoom, the sign in details are different this Thursday than they have been in the past. Please click here If you have any queries about accessing Zoom please contact Ralph or Helen in the office, click here

THANK YOU - to all those who cleared the cardboard left for recycling on church premises. I am pleased to say it is all cleared. Please note that we no longer are able to recycle so take your recycling home with you. thank you.


28th November 2022

Toasty Tuesday - a partnership between Queens Road Baptist Church and Jubilee Church are now listed on the Coventry City Council website as a Warm Space in Coventry. There are currently 42 places listed, click here to see where they are.

Further details about Toasty Tuesdays are here Toasty Tuesdays will start Tuesday 6th December 2022 and run throughout the cold months (exc 20th and 27th December).

Pre-registration is required and the form to complete is with the above link.

Please contact the office here for any further information.

27th November 2022

The Church Meeting Minutes from September 2022 and  the Church Meeting Agenda for today is  found here

25th November 2022

If you are a church member please ensure you are signed into the website and you will then be able to read the 2023 budget proposal here ready for Sunday 27th November 2022.

24th November 2022

QR member, Anita White will soon be off to Kenya as part of the Global Care team, Anita works for Global Care based in Coventry as the communications and fundraising manager and  the team she is with will be providing a blog.

Click the link to see their updates. here

Our prayers are with you and the team Anita.

22nd November 2022

The latest newsletter of Coventry Youth for Christ (CYFC) who are now based on our premises can be found here.

21st November 2022

The Chapel of Unity is offering a 20-minute poem and reflection each Monday evening in Advent at 6.00pm via Zoom, beginning on 28 November. The poems will be from Janet Morley’s anthology, Haphazard by Starlight.  
Week 1  28 November    The Absence  by R.S. Thomas
Week 2  5 December      The Annunciation  by Edwin Muir
Week 3  12 December    The Visitation  by Elizabeth Jennings
Week 4  19 December     In the Age of Caesar  by Waldo Williams  

Zoom link  Zoom Meeting ID: 814 7354 0719  Passcode: 256290

20th November 2022

Next Sunday, 27th November, we shall receive gifts for the Coventry City Mission Giving Tree Appeal. The Giving Tree Project runs each year to provide Christmas presents to those children in Coventry who otherwise wouldn’t receive them.  Last year (2021) they were pleased to be able to run the project despite continuing covid restrictions and were able to help 1125 children from 475 families. This was a particularly high number of families again and it highlighted to us the particular problems that Covid has caused for many families living below the breadline in Coventry. Now there are new pressures on families. If you are able to help bring new toys, unwrapped next Sunday. If you would like more information contact Sarah White on, or Whatsapp or text 07927 090451.

Coming soon - a series of online Bible Studies for Advent from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on Thursday 1st December. These will be led by Rev Ralph Hanger who will be looking at the first two chapters of Luke's gospel. The Zoom login details are in the Members Area of the website here or, if you do not have access to the Members Area, from Ralph by email. Study notes will be available on this page nearer to the meeting dates.

17th November 2022

The Church Prayer Diary for December is available to download and/or print here.

15th November 2022

This evening at 7.30pm we have the last meeting in our series Growing with God and Together. The meeting consists of time to chat, a talk, discussion and prayer and will finish around 9.15 pm. There is no need to have been to previous meetings to attend this one. Everyone welcome.

14th November 2022

Today we are pleased to announced two new events:-

The first is a joint venture with Jubilee Church.  Toasty Tuesdays will provide a Warm Space from 6pm to 8pm on Tuesday evening at the Queens Road premises. Food and activities will also be available. There will be a pilot run of the event on Tuesday 22nd November and then it will start to happen regularly each Tuesday from 6th December, running probably until the end of March. Volunteers to help are needed - either arrive at 5.15pm on 22nd November or email Iain Colville who will answer any questions you may have. Volunteers will not need to commit to being there every week.

The second event is a Coffee and Chat drop in on 1st December from 10am to noon at the church. Everyone welcome.

11th November 2022

From time to time we post the HOPE Coventry newsletter on this site. If you want a detailed summary of what HOPE Coventry do you can find it here.

10th November 2022

Today is the last day to register for HEBA's Womens Conference Full details here

9th November 2022

A reminder:- Arty Crafters - Thursday 10th November - arrival from 10am. You are all welcome to try Christmas paper craft with Chris. A Christmas Angel (Make a decoration or card). Please bring a basic kit to include a ruler, pencil, rubber, pva glue and scissors. Optional extras are scissors for fancy cut edging. Please contact Coral Lynes for further information or just come along.

Our Administrator, Helen will be on Zoom this afternoon at 2pm to chat with anyone who has questions for her or just wants a bit of (electronic) human contact. The Zoom login details are here or if you are not registered for the Members part of the website you can request the details by emailing Helen here.

8th November 2022

This evening at 7.30pm we have the next meeting in our series Growing with God and Together. The meeting consists of time to chat, a talk, discussion and prayer and will finish around 9.15 pm. There is no need to have been to previous meetings to attend this one. Everyone welcome.

5th November 2022

Advanced notice - an invitation from Coventry Youth for Christ who say:-

“We would love to invite you to come and pray with us for youth work in our nation, our city, our churches and our schools. We believe that prayer is vital to all that we do and that this will be a significant evening as we pray for young people! This will be an interactive prayer space held at Queen's Road Baptist Church from 7.30pm on Monday 28th November”.

4th November 2022

Coventry Youth for Christ have moved their office back to QRBC and it is a pleasure to welcome the CYFC team back. They will now base their office in The Upper Room for the foreseeable future. (The Upper Room is the office at the top of the stairs to the main office.)

Their schedule will change from week to week so please don't try to visit them without first checking that they are there.

3rd November 2022

The 2022 Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer takes place next Monday, 7th November. Details of how to join in are here.

1st November 2022

This evening at 7.30pm we have the next meeting in our series Growing with God and Together. The meeting consists of time to chat, a talk, discussion and prayer and will finish around 9.15 pm. There is no need to have been to previous meetings to attend this one. Everyone welcome.

27th October 2022

Advanced Notice

Coventry Open Christmas will be using our premises again from 24th -29th December providing food, warmth and comfort 24 hours a day for anyone in need over the festive period. If you wish to donate or volunteer please contact Open Christmas directly - or 075 3497 1747. The Volunteering application form is here. There will be someone from Open Christmas on the premises from 22nd December to receive gifts.

26th October 2022

There will be no "Helen Chat" (opportunity to chat with our Adminstrator) today as Helen is unwell.

The church Prayer Diary for November is available here

Advanced notice

Arty Crafters - Thursday 10th November - arrival from 10am. Tou are all welcome to try Christmas paper craft with Chris.

A Christmas Angel (Make a decoration or card). Please bring a basic lit to include a ruler, pencil, rubber, pva glue and scissors.

Optional extras are scissors for fancy cut edging.

Please conatct Coral Lynes for further information or just come along.

Advanced Notice

21st October 2022

Coventry Foodbank have created a short harvest video explaining how food parcels get to those most in need. You can watch the video here,

20th October 2022

In our service on Sunday (23rd) Rev Ian Macnair will be preaching on the New Testament Book of 1 John. Ian has provided the information as background to what he will be talking about which can read here.

17th October 2022

The latest news from Coventry Youth for Christ can be found here

A reminder that the next in our series "Growth with God and Together" is on Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in the Large Hall. It is not necessary to have attended previous meeting to attend today. We would love to see you there. More details here.

12th October 2022

Helen Chat, the regular opportunity to chat on Zoom with our Administrator, Helen, is not happening today as she is not available. It will be back next week.

11th October 2022

A reminder that the next in our series "Growth with God and Together" is this evening at 7.30pm in the Large Hall. It is not necessary to have attended previous meeting to attend today. More details here.

4th October 2022

A reminder that this evening at 7.30pm we have the third in our series of meetings entitled "Growth with God and Together". We start with refreshments, and a chance to chat together, then there is a teaching session, followed by discussion in small groups, before finishing with a time of prayer. There is no need to have been to previous sessions to come to this one. The series runs for 8 weeks, with a break during the school half term (25 October) and the last session will be on 15 November.

3rd October 2022

Two of our Mission partners have sent their latest newsletters. Christian Aid's is here and African Pastors Fellowship's is here.

2nd October 2022

The Women's Conference of the Heart of England Baptist Association (HEBA) takes place on Saturday, 12th November on Zoom. The Theme is "Strength for the Journey" and all of the details are available here.


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