A Life of Faith

This page is a space to learn about what life as a Christian is or could be, particularly in the context of Queens Road Baptist Church, Coventry.

It will contain biblical reflections, information about activities and the thoughts of people doing them, photographs of the world around us, comment on events in the wider world and probably more things as we learn how best to use it. We invite contributions from those who have something to say. We cannot guarantee to publish everything we are sent but please contact us here to discuss any ideas that you might have to offer.

Guidance for contributors

26th February 2025

Judith Brazier writes

13th February 2025 Dresden…….
It was 9.45pm and there had been a gentle snowfall. Marilyn and I, along with others from Coventry, some tourists, together with a few hundred Dresdeners, stood in the square in front of the Frauenkirche as the bells from Churches and civic buildings across the city began their deep but urgent tolling. It was a haunting sound which stopped at 10.03pm precisely. Few who stood there could have failed to look to the skies and remembered. Remembered that 80 years ago on that night the destructive, and many would say ‘senseless’, two-night firebombing of Dresden had begun, which is believed to have claimed the lives of 25,000 mainly civilians and the destruction of the centre of this beautiful city. The timing of the bells marked the first urgent warnings of the sirens to the time the first bombs fell.

We then moved quietly into the Frauenkirche to join the singing of Dona Nobis Pacem (Give us Peace), listen to words from a German poet (which we didn’t understand) and a strong message of Peace and Reconciliation from the Dean of Coventry, John Whitcome (delivered in English and translated into German). Throughout, a steady stream of people came in to light a candle to pause, pray and remember.

The whole day was poignant as we took part in various activities of friendship, remembrance and reconciliation.
Following a leisurely breakfast and lively conversation between those who had come from Coventry and those from Dresden, some of us made our way to the Frauenkirche for the midday prayers. As a member of the Community of the Cross of Nails, the Coventry Litany of Reconciliation (here, in German) is prayed every Friday, but also on this special day of reflection we were able to join in these significant words.


In the afternoon some of us took the tram out to Dresden Baptist Church which Queen’s Road has had links with at different times over the past thirty years. Claudia, their recently retired pastor’s wife has visited Queen’s Road on a number of occasions, and I, along with a few others from our Church have shared in worship with them. They provided a buffet lunch and another opportunity for us to share friendship. We also had the opportunity to meet the new Pastor who was inducted a few days before.

It was then back to the City Centre to join in the human chain at 6.00p.m. Candles were lit and for 10 minutes several thousand people stood in silence, hand in hand with strangers, to make a 4km chain around the old city. We were standing for democracy, peace, reconciliation and friendship, as the bells of the Frauenkirche rang out. This tradition seemed particularly relevant this year, when what was the week before the German elections the AFD far right party is resurgent and nationalism and self interest can be seen across the world.
Before our final visit to the Frauenkirche to end the day, we attended Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem, performed by the Dresden Philharmonic, in the wonderful concert hall of the Kulturpalast. You may know that this piece was especially written and performed for the opening of Coventry Cathedral in 1962 and seemed very appropriate to be performed on this day.

  Human Chain
Whilst the bombing of Dresden and Coventry were not the worst attacks on European cities in the Second World War, Dresden and Coventry have become powerful symbols of peace and reconciliation following hatred, suspicion and destruction. It was a privilege and moving experience to be a part of the commemoration but also a powerful reminder that the work of justice, peace and reconciliation are still so much needed in 2025.



19th September 2024

On our premises!

My name is Joe Morris and at the start of September I joined the team at Coventry Youth For Christ as their Pioneering Youth Worker. Coventry Youth For Christ is simply about seeing young people’s lives changed by Jesus. I believe wholeheartedly that Je-sus transforms us, from the oldest to the youngest, and so I'm delighted to have the opportunity to work toward this vision.
Our office is at your church! So my work will be based out of a space in an upper room here at QRBC but most of the time I will be out and about in the field!

The 3 main objectives which I feel particularly called to at the moment are: 1) Working with local churches either to support their current youth ministry or to help them pioneer a new youth ministry, 2) Bringing the love and message of the gospel into local schools, and 3) Meeting with, supporting and connecting local youth leaders, to gather a sense of what is happening city-wide and how we can work together in unity and equip each other in our mission.

There is so much fantastic youth provision already happening in our city; we are particularly excited about the Youth City Praise & Prayer event held on the 20th of September - This is something I’ve been involved in shaping and it’s a great opportunity for the young people of the church in Coventry to unite and discover that they are part of a wide and diverse family of God. As youth leaders we sense a stirring hunger in our young people to connect with His presence, And we know from the scriptures that to those who seek Him, He is faithful to reveal Himself.
Please join us in praying for the young people of Coventry, that the doors would open for us to introduce young people to Jesus for the first time and for young people who already know Him to be strengthened in their faith. We will see His kingdom come here in Coventry!
Thank you and I look forward to up-dating you on all that we see Him do. Joe. Email: Joe@covyfc.org

9th August 2024

In the previous post there was an introduction to the first part of our mini series on King David. This is the introduction to the second part which will be in our service on Sunday (11th August).

When I was at college I was told there were three temptations that were particular to the ministry: pride, self-pity and laziness. Only it was expressed more memorably: the temptation to Shine, to Whine and to Recline.
The first of these temptations was the one that characterised Lucifer and led to his downfall, Isaiah 14:12–15.
The second is seen when the Israelites came out of Egypt. Their journey from the land of slavery to the mountain of God was accompanied by the constant drone of grumbling, Exodus 14:10–12; 15:24; 16:1–3; 17:1–3.
The third temptation was the one that got David when he was at the height of his powers and the summit of his success, 2 Samuel 11:1–2. 
If we look back to chapter 8 we can see a record of David’s conquests: the Philistines (1), the Moabites (2), King Hadadezer of Zobah (3), the Arameans of Damascus (5). 
Verse 14 says, ‘The LORD gave David victory everywhere he went.’ 
Now come back to chapter 11 verse 1. 
It was spring, the time when kings go off to war. David sent Joab but he himself remained in Jerusalem.
When we get to verse 2 it gets worse. It was evening and we should be reading that David was going to bed but it says that he was getting up from his bed. He had been lazing around. 
It’s not just biblical characters that are prone to these temptations. We can all be caught out. Paul said to the Corinthians, ‘If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!’ (1 Cor. 10:12).
These temptations can appear to be fairly trivial. 
Pride. If you’ve got something to be proud about, why not? 
Grumbling. If things are not right, why shouldn’t you complain? 
Laziness. Don’t we all deserve a break and a bit of pampering? 
It’s easy to justify our failings and minimise our sins. 
The defeat of Goliath was a turning point in David’s life – in the right direction. Failure to resist temptation proved to be another turning point – in the wrong direction.
Today we retrace our steps and examine our own lives in the light of the tragedy which was to blight the remainder of David’s life and reign

Rev Ian Macnair

23rd July 2024

This Sunday (28th July) and in a fortnight’s time we are looking at two significant events in the life of David.
1 Samuel chapter 17 contains one of the most famous stories in the Bible, David and Goliath. It’s a long chapter with lots of important lessons along the way.
To put it in context we need to go back to chapter 16, which records the visit of Samuel the prophet to the home of Jesse and his sons in Bethlehem. The LORD told Samuel, ‘I have chosen one of Jesse’s sons to be king.’ 
Since Israel already had a king (Saul) Samuel was understandably apprehensive but the LORD told him how to approach the task and Samuel ‘did what the LORD said’ – always the best policy.
When Samuel saw Eliab (the eldest son) he thought, ‘Surely the LORD’s anointed stands here before the LORD.’ But the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.’
Notice anything? 
The repetition of ‘LORD’ (in capital letters, indicating God’s personal name, see Exodus 34:5–7). 
Just a glance at everything said by Samuel, or said about him, confirms how much he relied on the LORD and underlines his strong relationship with the LORD. 
The opposite can be said about king Saul, who relied on his own wisdom and failed to acknowledge the LORD in the big decisions of his life and leadership.
In his last recorded conversation with Samuel (1 Samuel 15:21, 30) Saul significantly spoke in terms of ‘the LORD your God’, revealing that he himself didn’t have a personal relationship with God. He relied on his own wisdom, not on God.
It challenges us to consider our own relationship to God through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Is it just words on a Sunday or the reality underpinning every aspect of our lives?
So would David be more like Samuel or more like Saul?
When Goliath challenged the Israelite army he described them as ‘the servants of Saul’. When David responded to Goliath’s challenge he said, ‘I come against you in the name of the LORD of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel.’ A very different perspective.

Rev Ian Macnair

3rd October 2023

Last weekend (30th September) our former Minister, Rev Grenville Overton died. He had been ill for some time. Some members of the church have come together to pay tribute to Grenville.

Every good Baptist minister will always confine him or herself to a 3 point sermon??
As we, the recipients, sit on our hard pews listening the reality slowly dawns that 3 has morphed into 6 …or worse!
Any tribute to Grenville Overton’s life and ministry requires us to focus on 9 !!
The 9 attributes of a Spirit filled life as found in Galatians 5 v 22-23

LOVE  First and foremost Grenville’s love for his own dear family.  We, his church family, knew that quality of loving care too. A love that intuitively knew when someone was in need, a love that made a point of seeking out the person on their own, a love that in words from 1 Corinthians 13 was not “self- seeking or easily angered” ….. but … “always patient, always kind”.
JOY  Grenville’s was not an exuberant joy.  His lovely welcoming smile and sometimes ‘naughty twinkle’ revealed the inner joy of serving his Master.
PEACE  In the life of our fellowship Grenville always sought to unite us with his calm approach to every situation. Many would say that simply his presence brought a sense of peace, whether on a one to one pastoral visit or in a meeting.
PATIENCE  Maybe one word sums it up ….Endless  !  In many a church meeting he demonstrated great tolerance and forbearance with such grace.  
KINDNESS  His kindness to friend and stranger alike was marked with an open non- judgemental spirit, and a willingness to go the extra mile.  
GOODNESS  GOD is good …. And Grenville demonstrated that goodness through his servant heart.
GENTLENESS  A gentle-man in both senses of the word. There was strength in his gentleness; he was not afraid to tackle an issue or to confront wrong, but it was done with that trade mark mild mannered approach.  
FAITHFULNESS  At Newbury BC, QRBC, in Regional Ministry and in the wider Baptist Union Grenville was a steadfast faithful servant of Jesus Christ.
SELF-CONTROL  Absolutely none! …when he got the giggles over something!
Absolutely none! …when it came to the need for food at every meeting!

The Bible tells us we should not “add to Scripture” but somehow this tribute would be incomplete without mentioning two other significant attributes ever present in Grenville Overton.  WISDOM and HUMILITY.  His counsel, whether to an individual or to the church had a deep Godly quality about it. His self-effacing character is reminiscent of John3 v30 “I must decrease, HE must increase”.
None of these characteristics were separate entities, but were blended and mingled together in a man who sought to do God’s will in God’s way with God’s strength and to God’s Glory.
Grenville, like all of us, was human. He had faults, he failed, he did not always get it right. He was real. He experienced the pains and sadness’s of life and was willing to share our pain too.

 A deep love for the Word of God was integral to his ministry. Through his authoritative teaching and preaching he encouraged and inspired us in our own walk with God.

One very tangible legacy of Grenville’s time with us is our Severy.  He was a man of vision and inspired by his leadership we all caught that vision to give, to pray and serve in it.

Alison and Grenville were inseparable, in their love for each other and in their ministry together with us.  They willingly obeyed God’s calling to “be shepherds of God’s flock” at QRBC and we were richly blessed and privileged to have had them amongst us.

Sadly the last ten years or so have brought increasing heartache to Grenville’s family and friends as the ravages of Dementia have taken their toll.
His Saviour Jesus Christ promised “I will NEVER leave you, nor forsake you” and HE did not fail Grenville, fulfilling that promise in ways we may never fully comprehend.
We give thanks that Grenville is with his LORD in Glory, and we continue to uphold Alison and the family before that same loving Lord.

Graham Carpmail was Church Secretary when Grenville was at QRBC. He writes:-

I remember Grenville with great affection, a true friend, it was a real privilege to work alongside him as Church Secretary.
Grenville was indeed a wonderful man of God, wise, insightful a pastoral minister with a servant heart with the ability to lead and teach.
Grenville had a clear vision for Queen’s Road going forward to turn the church inside out, leading the development of the servery so that the premises could be accessible and open each day for the people in the community and many local charities to use.
He was a dedicated servant of His Lord who will be sadly missed by many.


19th September 2023

Feeding the Hungry

Its nearly 13 years since the doors first opened at Queens Road Baptist Church and the Hope centre to the first recipients of a Coventry Foodbank food parcel. All these years later we still have to pinch ourselves at the scale of the operation – nearly 260,000 people across the city provided with food!

It’s easy to lose perspective in statistics. Front line foodbank staff and volunteers will have many stories from the families they meet, struggling just to put a meal on the table, or put money in the meter for the gas and electricity. 13 years on, Coventry Foodbank’s knowledge of the city’s support infrastructure is second to none. With that information, its Pathfinder team is able to provide quality support and information about how to access service that has already delivered over £400,000 of additional benefits to people in crisis. Restoring money into people’s pockets should, ultimately, reduce the demand for emergency food.

Since early 2021 Coventry Foodbank has joined forces with Feed the Hungry and together they operate from a 25,000 sq ft warehouse in Binley called the “Halo Centre”. We love to welcome visitors to the site and the overriding response has been surprise at the size of the operation.  

Feed the Hungry is a humanitarian aid charity. Alongside 5 other offices worldwide it ships food into 27 countries; food destined for over 400,000 children in schools and orphanages on a daily basis. I (Gavin) visited an orphanage in Mazabuka in Zambia in 2019. Here the hot meal of rice, soy and lentils supplied by Feed the Hungry is provided to over 200 children at the Lukkomana School. These children are orphans of the Aids pandemic which has ravaged that country.

Without this support, in some of the poorest communities in the world, children’s education would be curtailed through affordability or in order for them to work to support the income for the family. But keeping them in school improves their life chances – giving them the opportunity to go on to further education.

Feed the Hungry also responds to international disasters. Over the last 18 months it has shipped hundreds of tonnes through Romania into the Ukraine to be distributed to front line communities.

So alongside sending out many parcels of food to our 14 foodbank centres around Coventry, it would not be unusual to find the team packing a 40 foot shipping container of food aid to go to Africa, Eastern Europe or even Nicaragua.

Feed the Hungry also operates 6 community pantries across Warwickshire and Leicestershire. A community pantry gives families access to a broad range of fresh, frozen and ambient food for a membership fee of £5 per visit. Citizens Advice and Family Support services then work alongside the teams to resolve the issues that gave rise to the need for food support. Many of the pantries are located in rural villages and where the service is delivered by “Lazarus”, an old St Johns Ambulance mobile clinic converted into a shop.

In terms of reach then, Feed the Hungry is one of the largest humanitarian aid charities in Coventry. But that is very much a part of the ethos of this city – that it reaches out and supports people of many nations; whether that’s offering a home to refugees or by sending aid to support people in their own communities.
If you would like to support the work of Coventry Foodbank or Feed the Hungry then the donation links can be found at coventryfoodbank.org.uk and feedthehungry.org.uk.

The warehouse is currently struggling to meet the need of the 14 Foodbank centres and is short of tinned meat, fish, fruit, puddings, tea and coffee.

The Foodbank team will be receiving your Harvest food donations as part of next week’s service, alternatively a donation to Operation Agri can be placed in the box in reception.

Gavin Kibble MBE and Graham Carpmail 

11th September 2023

Rev Ian Macnair writes

Our Bible Book introductions continue in the service on Sunday 17th September with the Old Testament book Song of Songs.
It can be a challenging read as it takes us back many centuries to a different time and a different culture.
An Audio book is the best way to “read” it, as the content is largely carried by the voices of the main characters. There are two on YouTube which I recommend:-

  • The ESV (English Standard Version) read by different voices, 18 minutes 57 seconds can be found here
  • And for a modern paraphrase: The Message (not the Passion Translation) read by a single voice, Alissa Medley, 23 minutes 34 seconds can be found here


20th July 2023

Rev Ian Macnair writes

Our Bible Book introduction to Chronicles began earlier this year (on 23rd April) with  1Chronicles. Part two, 2Chronicles, is on Sunday 6th August . Since the two studies go together you may find these YouTube links helpful.

The QRBC recording of part 1:

BibleProject’s introduction to both books:


19th June 2023

The church and new technology – Questions to ask and answer

Our website manager, David Depledge writes

On Fathers Day, when Jon White led our service, he invited the congregation to respond to questions using their mobile phones. To get onto the website he was using there was a QR code on the screen at the front of church. The system used the aggregated answers to display them in graphic form on the screen at the front. This is the first time this has been done at Queens Road and there was substantial involvement from the congregation.

Back in March 2020 there was another first when lockdown for Covid first happened. We could no longer hold services in the building so we started doing them online. This was an incredibly steep learning curve for the hastily assembled technical team as looking at the first service demonstrates (www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9DYRFnp_nQ ). The (technically much improved) services continue to be streamed and are very helpful to people in many different circumstances. In many cases we went on to get very used to online meetings,

In recent times there has been much discussion in the media about Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is most definitely not a subject which I have any expertise in but I do believe that is important for Christians to gain some degree of understanding of big societal issues, so here we go:-

This definition is on the IBM website (where there is also much more detailed information www.ibm.com/topics/artificial-intelligence )

“At its simplest form, artificial intelligence is a field, which combines computer science and robust datasets, to enable problem-solving. It also encompasses sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning, which are frequently mentioned in conjunction with artificial intelligence. These disciplines are comprised of AI algorithms which seek to create expert systems which make predictions or classifications based on input data.

Over the years, artificial intelligence has gone through many cycles of hype, but even to sceptics, the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT seems to mark a turning point. The last time generative AI loomed this large, the breakthroughs were in computer vision, but now the leap forward is in natural language processing. And it’s not just language: Generative models can also learn the grammar of software code, molecules, natural images, and a variety of other data types”.

There has been much discussion in the scientific community (and well beyond it) of how useful and how potentially dangerous Artificial Intelligence might be to humanity.

You can find examples of the range of the debate on this link https://news.sky.com/topic/artificial-intelligence-7032

And you can watch a documentary “You and AI” with Professor Brian Cox (107 minutes) on the website of the Royal Society  https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/machine-learning/you-and-ai/

As an example of a benefit that might come to humanity through Artificial intelligence (AI), it has been used to discover three drugs which could help stave off the effects of ageing and associated diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's. A study by the University of Edinburgh used an AI algorithm to find a trio of chemicals which can target faulty cells, which could be hundreds of times cheaper than standard screening methods. The researchers' findings suggest that the drugs found can remove defective cells - known as senescent cells - linked to diseases and declines in eyesight and mobility.

For years, various forms of simple AI have been used in the church and elsewhere, for example, speech recognition software. Previous generations of AI applications could search and learn massive datasets that we use when searching with Google or Bing.  But behind many recent headlines is a relatively new form of technology known as generative AI, which uses the same mechanisms but to create original content—including text, images, videos, or audio. Some of these generative AI tools are available free online for the public to try.

Writing in Christianity Today’s CT Pastors newsletter, A Trevor Sutton says “It is not difficult to imagine how pastors and church leaders can use these tools. For example, one could type in a few prompts about a vacant staff position, and the generative AI will create a job description that is nearly ready to post. Or it might help create a logo or supporting images for a sermon series”.

As a little experiment I asked ChatGPT “How might I fill a space of 400 words in a Church Newssheet with something inspiring.” It failed in as much as the article supplied was 508 words long and wouldn’t have fitted in the allocated space but this is what it produced.

Title: Embracing the Power of Love: A Journey of Faith

As we gather in the sacred space of our church, surrounded by the warmth and love of our community, we are reminded of the countless blessings that uplift our spirits each day. Our journey of faith is not merely a path we walk alone; it is a beautiful tapestry woven by the hands of our loving God and the vibrant threads of our interconnected lives.

In a world that often seems overwhelmed by darkness and uncertainty, it is crucial to keep our hearts open to the transformative power of love. Love has the remarkable ability to heal wounds, bridge divides, and inspire us to reach new heights of compassion and understanding.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus proclaimed, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another" (John 13:34). These profound words echo through the centuries, reminding us of our divine calling to become vessels of love in the world. Love is not a passive sentiment; it is an active force that compels us to take meaningful action.

We are all aware of the challenges and hardships that surround us. The weight of suffering can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it is precisely in these moments that our faith becomes a wellspring of hope. We are called to be beacons of light in a world longing for solace and encouragement. Our acts of love, no matter how small, have the potential to ignite a flame of hope and bring comfort to those in need.

In our church community, we witness countless examples of love in action. From the tireless volunteers who offer their time and talents to support the vulnerable, to the prayers whispered with heartfelt intention, every act of kindness has a ripple effect that extends far beyond our immediate surroundings.

As we navigate the complexities of life, let us remember that love has the power to transcend boundaries. It reaches across cultures, embraces diversity, and unites us as one human family. When we extend love to others without reservation, we participate in a divine dance of unity, where our differences are celebrated, and our shared humanity is cherished.

Let us be inspired by the words of Mother Teresa, who once said, "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." Together, let us embark on a mission to spread love in our homes, workplaces, and communities. In doing so, we not only enrich the lives of others but also deepen our own spiritual connection to God.

Dear friends, as we reflect on the power of love in our lives and the wider world, may we be encouraged to live with open hearts, extending kindness, compassion, and empathy to all. Let love be the guiding force that shapes our words, actions, and interactions.

In this season of faith, let us embrace the transformative power of love, knowing that together we can create a world filled with hope, joy, and enduring inspiration.

It is interesting to reflect that this is what ChatGPT has learnt from Christian websites and publications on the internet. (NB We have no plans to use any AI articles in the QRBC Newssheet or Website, although, come to think of it, it would have saved me some time if I had asked ChatGPT to write this blog post!)

I would love to know what your reaction to AI is and also the proposed article. Is it something that can help people in all sorts of situations or is it something that can get us into terrible trouble? If you have any comments please email them to communications@qrbc.co.uk and,  if you give permission, we will add them to this blog post.



17th April 2023

Our Minister, Rev Neil Martin writes

We announced on Sunday that we want to relaunch housegroups at QRBC, and you might be tempted to ask 2 questions: the first, why a relaunch?; the second, why do we need housegroups? 

To answer the first question, why do we need a relaunch? Several housegroups have been able to carry on perfectly well both during, and after the pandemic, and I am grateful for those leaders and housegroups that have continued. However, it is also true that many of the other established groups have come to an end. It’s also the case that we have many new people who have joined our Church in the last year and a half who have not been a part of a housegroup at QRBC before and would like to be. With this in mind, it seems the right time to relaunch them. 

 Secondly, why do we need housegroups? Housegroups provide us with lots of opportunities. They give us a chance to discuss Scripture and the issues of life more deeply, to pray together, and to build genuine and deep relationships, with one another, and with God. They are also a chance to have fun together, and can provide an opportunity to draw others into the fellowship, whether new believers, or those on the periphery. The benefits of small groups meeting together in a home are far-reaching and profound, and we would love to commend them to you as a congregation in the coming few weeks. 

Iain talked about this in the service which you can find here to listen, but if you’re already keen click here ( or use the QR code below) from where you can fill in a form with some details. These will include your name, preferred time and location to meet; also whether you’re willing to be a host and/or a leader, as without hosts and leaders, housegroups can’t happen!  

God bless, 



10th February 2023

Reflections on a visit to Kenya

Anita White writes

Last December I went to Kenya as part of my work with Global Care, to a place called Kibera in the edge of Nairobi. It is rumoured to be the largest slum in Africa. Our team went to a school called Spurgeon’s Academy, to celebrate it’s 20th anniversary, as well as being supported by Global Care for 12 years, to do some oversight of the project and to deal with various administrative matters.
As well as several very positive activities with the children I went into the slum three times to visit some homes. It was the most challenging thing I have ever done. On the first day, having done one visit we crossed to another part of the slum; the smell, the stench of open sewers, half dead dogs and cats lying around, was overwhelming. The homes were made of bits of wood and tin and were tiny. Inside the children’s eyes seemed to carry the cares of the world in them. Many had lost one or both parents, often to HIV/AIDS. We had the privilege of taking food and, in some cases, praying for the families. I shall never forget those times. One of the younger members of the team said he couldn’t believe people live like this – I couldn’t either. It is a desperate situation – they have no running water, no sanitation, little food, their shelters are falling apart.
After the trip, when I went home it was straight into family and Christmas. Although I didn’t realise it at the time, I parked my reactions and feelings about the experience. I only realised that I had not fully processed what I had seen until I went back to work after New Year. To some extent I am still working at it.

Not everything I saw was tragic. I got immense joy from spending time with the children in Spurgeon’s Academy where the can really be children, running around, playing games, doing crafts, learning, having fun. Their eyes were full of joy in contrast to the cares of being at home.

There are two things I am taking away from this experience. Firstly, we can do so much more than we think we can, empowered by God’s Holy Spirit. In Kenya there was a strength from God that I didn’t know I had. There were bits of me that I didn’t recognise. I was really scared before I went; I was a very long way out of my comfort zone but the presence of God was very real. I want to keep that new level of trust that I experienced.
Secondly, I felt disappointed when I realised that only about 800 of the 5500 children who have been through Spurgeons Academy went on to Secondary School. But that is viewing it through our western perspective. I realised this is not the way to look at it. Poverty like this is incredibly complex. We cannot do everything, but we mustn’t do nothing – children going through Spurgeons do have increased life chances and opportunities whether they make it to secondary school or not.
I invite you to look at this three minute video we have made about the trip. We cannot do everything – we cannot banish all the problems of the slum. But we mustn’t do nothing so we are doing something in supporting the fantastic work of Spurgeons Academy.
If you have any questions or would like to see more photos/videos of the trip please contact me-  anita.white@globalcare.org


4th January 2023

Our Minister, Rev Neil Martin writes

2022 - A Year of Blessings

As I sit to write this, it’s unbelievable to me that we’re in the year 2023, and yet here we are. 2020, which seemed such a futuristic date then, is now 3 years in the past. Yet before we launch into 2023, I believe it’s important to stop, remember, and give thanks for the last year, and how God blessed us at Queens Road Baptist Church, as it was a year of many blessings.
Firstly, we remember the many baptisms that we enjoyed at Church. We were blessed to baptise many of the teenagers that have come up through Church and hear of how many of them have had a lifelong faith development process, of the many leaders who have influenced them, and the groups that they have attended. We were blessed to baptise adults as well, people who have come from outside our Church, sometimes outside even of our country. We give thanks for them, and for the part that the ability for people to see our streamed services often made in their decisions to come to us.

Secondly, we give thanks for deepened opportunities to enhance and support existing ministries that we partner with, and also give thanks for the new opportunities and partnerships that were established. We give thanks for the work of all our mission partners, including Coventry City Mission, and their record year at Giving Tree, that we were able to be part of. We give thanks for Coventry Youth For Christ moving into one of our offices and pray that they will be blessed. We were blessed as one of our members went off on mission, and we were able to pray for her and support her as she was away. We also saw new partnerships with Jubilee Church and Toasty Tuesdays, and had the opportunity to support both the EBF Ukraine appeal and Coventry YMCA. We also give thanks for the ongoing work of established ministries in the Church, like Foodbank and Open Christmas, which help with supporting people in need in Coventry.
Thirdly, we give thanks for you. Whether you’re a long term member, someone who has recently re-joined us, or whether you’re new to QR, we give thanks for the way that God has blessed us over the last year.
All in all, for us as a Church, 2022 was a year of blessings, and if space permitted, I would write of many others. Instead, I ask you to join me in giving thanks and praying for the new blessings that God will bring us in 2023.
God bless,


16th December 2022

Our church has developed links with Baptists in Uganda over a number of years with visits in both directions being undertaken. We hope this will be a long standing and productive relationship between ourselves and the churches of the Kyenjojo Baptist Association.
Ralph Hanger writes
We have received a couple of messages from Christine Kyalimpa in Uganda.
In the first she explains some of the negative effects of Covid on the schools and their students and explains something of how they are trying to counter them.  JAMSTC refers to a Skills Training Centre which was set up some time ago, just across the road from the Primary and Secondary Mary Giggs schools they run.

"Due to COVID-19 a lot has changed. During lock down children were so idle, girls got pregnant and the boys become criminals in their villages. This year we have included the primary school (primary 5, 6, 7) in JAMSTC. So the whole idea is to equip these children with skills (tailoring, computer, carpentry, hairdressing, poultry farming and  cookery which they can use after their primary level since most of them don't continue to secondary schools. They are given a certificate after completing their course" .

Her second message is self-explanatory.

"Dear friends,

Praise God, how are you?  

Greetings to everyone at Queens Road Baptist Church from Baptist churches in Kyenjojo Baptist churches. Thanks for your endless prayers for us.

Prayer requests,  
Pastor's conference on 17th December 2022
Youth day/ children's day on 23rd December 2022,  
Associational leader's meeting on 31st December 2022.

Thanks a lot, you are always in our prayers especially in this festive season.

God bless you.


In the middle of our busyness this Christmas, please find at least a little time to pray for our fellow workers in Kyenjojo, Uganda.  Ralph


17th November 2022

As part of our continued efforts to grow together and get to know each other better, we would like to invite you to come to Queens Road Baptist Church on Thursday 1st December to enjoy a free coffee/tea and cake and get to know more people  and enjoy fellowship together in a warm space.

This coffee morning will hopefully be the first of many and it is thanks to four QR volunteers Anna, Ronnie,  Sandra and Margaret N. that this event will take place in December,

So as well, as coming down to get to know each other better and enjoy a bit of warmth, if you feel you would like to be part of a team who could serve tea or coffee and generally organise a coffee morning in 2023, please do make yourselves known to the above ladies.

Please make a note in your diary and do feel free to bring friends and family along.

Of course if you already know a lot of folk at QRBC because you have been attending for quite some time, we really need you to join us too and share your knowledge and years of faithful service to our newer folk.

We can all have a lot to offer each other and to learn from one  another and even more of growing together.

So save the date and do come along and enjoy the opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones.

All ages welcome.

20th October 2022

In our service on 23rd October Rev Ian Macnair will be preaching on the New Testament Book of 1 John. Ian has provided the information below as background to what he will be talking about.

1 John – an Introduction

Author and Title

Manuscript evidence is unanimous that someone named “John” wrote this little treatise, which is consistently labeled the “first” of his extant letters in titles found in ancient copies. But who is this “John”? For a number of reasons, John the son of Zebedee, author of the Fourth Gospel, is the most likely candidate .The style and vocabulary of John’s Gospel and 1 John are so similar that a common author is extremely likely. 

Major themes and emphases of the writings overlap. These include Christ’s simultaneous full humanity and divinity, the close relationship between believing (faith, doctrine) and obeying God’s commandments (ethics), and the primacy of love as marking authentic knowledge of the true God through trust in his Son.

While John is not mentioned by name in the Fourth Gospel, he is likely to have been “the beloved disciple” who reclined next to Jesus at the Last Supper; arguments that he was Lazarus, an “elder” John, or a fictional creation are unconvincing).

He was highly qualified to write about what he and others had heard, seen, gazed upon, and touched (1 John 1:1).


Early post-apostolic figures like Polycarp and Papias (c. A.D. 100) presuppose or cite 1 John in their writings. This suggests a date of composition no later than the 90s A.D. This dovetails with the testimony of church fathers that, shortly before A.D. 67, John joined other Christians in departing from Jerusalem prior to the destruction of the city by Rome. John reportedly resumed his apostolic ministry in the vicinity of the great but highly idolatrous city of Ephesus (in modern western Turkey). He likely wrote 1 John as an elder statesman of the faith in the last third of the first century, perhaps to churches in the surrounding region. This might have included towns like those mentioned alongside Ephesus in the opening chapters of Revelation: Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.


First John lacks certain earmarks of a typical Hellenistic letter. For example, the writer does not name himself at the outset (as Paul always does). Yet on several counts it is highly letter-like, as seen from the expressed motive of shared joy and the repeated mentions of the act and purpose of writing to his recipients. First John was judged to be in the form of a letter by ancient writers such as Irenaeus, Dionysius of Alexandria, and Eusebius, who would have understood the prevailing conventions of letter writing.

Style and Substance

The rhetoric of 1 John is challenging. John rarely sustains a clear line of argument for more than a few lines or verses. He wanders from subject to subject, without any discernible outline. Yet if he has no plan, he does follow a pattern: after leaving a subject he often returns to it. His style of thought has been termed circular rather than linear. It has also been termed symphonic, in that he states themes, moves away from them, and then revisits them with variations.


In 1 John the author calls readers back to the three basics of Christian life: true doctrine, obedient living, and fervent devotion. Because “God is light” (1:5), Christ’s followers overcome evildoers who seek to subvert them. The one who lives in and among them—God’s Son—is greater than the spirit of “the antichrist” now in the world (4:3–4). To believe in the name of the Son of God is to know the assurance of eternal life (5:13).


c. A.D. 85 John likely wrote 1 John from Ephesus, where apparently he had relocated near the time of the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans in A.D. 70. The letter was probably intended to be read by the church in Ephesus and perhaps also by other churches in the surrounding cities. Ephesus was a wealthy and highly influential port city in the Roman province of Asia, and it was renowned for its temple of Artemis (Diana).


1. Introduction: the message of eternal life 1:1–4

2. Foundational principles 1:5–2:11

A. Principles for fellowship with God 1:5–2:2

B. Principles for knowing God 2:3–11

3. Purpose of the letter 2:12–27

A. Motivations for John to write the letter 2:12–14

B. Love of the world versus love for God 2:15–17

C. The antichrists’ denial that Jesus is the Christ 2:18–23

D. Abiding in God’s Word 2:24–27

4. God’s righteousness 2:28–4:6

A. Righteous living and abiding in God 2:28–3:3

B. Two classes of people: the righteous and the wicked 3:4–9

C. Two families: children of God versus children of the devil 3:10–15

D. Love and obedience: an indicator of belonging to Christ 3:16–23

E. Orthodox confession: an indicator of belonging to Christ 3:24–4:6

5. God’s love 4:7–5:13

A. Love: an indicator of a relationship with God 4:7–16

B. Mature love and assurance of salvation 4:17–19

C. The relationship between love for God and love for others 4:20–5:5

D. The Father’s witness of Jesus 5:6–13

6. Epilogue: prayer and knowledge 5:14–21

A. Assurance produces confidence and concern in prayer 5:14–17

B. Proper knowledge 5:18–21

(With help from ESV Study Bible and NKJV Study Bible)

26th September 2022

Our Harvest celebration this year is on 2nd October at 10.30am. We hope you will be able to be with us. This article from our Mission Action Group explains what we are supporting this year.

Looking forward to Harvest?

A bit old fashioned you might feel – celebrating Harvest in a city church in 2022? Probably none of our congregation work in agriculture and we may feel remote from the source of our food…..but without it?

Next Sunday, in worship, we will focus on two aspects of food: those in our own city who struggle to pay for it and those in Mozambique who struggle to understand good methods of farming to sustain their families.

In Coventry, our Church is very much involved in concerns for those who struggle to pay for their food. Our Foodbank provides hundreds of families and individuals with three day emergency food supplies at times of crisis.

As part of our wider mission, our church supports Operation Agri, a Baptist charity that helps some of the world’s most disadvantaged people improve their lives. The love of Jesus is shown in action, supporting needy communities to attack the basic causes of poverty.  We will look particularly at a project in Mozambique – more about that next week.

Foodbank at Queens Rd and Operation Agri have another thing in common -they are both run by volunteers, so 100% of everything donated reaches the recipients.

We encourage you to come along next Sunday and feel ‘involved’.  You can do this in a variety of ways:

For Foodbank, bring along one or more of the following:- Tinned meat, fish, soup, potatoes or rice pudding (note ONLY tinned!) or squash/fruit juice. When you arrive for worship next Sunday, please place the tins in the boxes at the front of chapel.

For Operation Agri, take away an envelope, bring it back next week with a cash gift or cheque (payable to Operation Agri). These envelopes will be collected during worship. You can also donate online or by bank transfer via www.operationagri.org.uk/product/make-a-donation

Next Sunday, lets bring a smile to God’s face by our response!

3rd September 2022

In our service on 25th September Rev Ian Macnair will be preaching on the Old Testament Book of Leviticus. Ian has provided the information below as background to what he will be talking about.

LEVITICUS  – an introduction

Some helpful internet links:



The first thing to say about the book Leviticus is that, like Exodus which precedes it and Numbers which follows, it begins with the word ‘and’.

In other words, all three, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers, are a continuation of the story which began in Genesis.

However, Leviticus is different from Genesis with its familiar stories of creation, the fall, the flood, and the Tower of Babel, Genesis with its strong characters, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.

Leviticus is different from Exodus with its dramatic build-up to the demise of Pharoah and his armies and the deliverance of the enslaved people of Israel from Egypt, the miraculous parting of the Red Sea, the thunder and lightning of God’s presence at Mount Sinai, the giving of the Law, the idolatry of the Golden Calf, and the intercession of Moses.

Suddenly in Leviticus we’re plunged into a strange world of obscure rituals and regulations which seem a million miles away from our 21st century world of science and technology, commerce and industry, politics and economics, texts and tweets.

Many people who have decided to read through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation start to struggle halfway through Exodus and give up completely when they encounter Leviticus.

And yet the Bible assures us that all scripture is inspired by God and equips us to serve God effectively. So in what way is Leviticus useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness?

It’s like a locked book and we need to find the key. Fortunately there is a key and it’s in the New Testament book of Hebrews.

Let’s go back to how Leviticus is connected to the bigger picture. In Exodus God speaks to the people from Mount Sinai with thunder and lightning, thick cloud, smoke and a very loud trumpet blast. He threatens the people and scares them half to death. He warns them not to come near. Only Moses and Aaron are allowed to ascend the mountain. Everyone else must keep their distance. Moses is given God’s law and a detailed plan of a tabernacle, or tent, a consecrated place, where God will meet with his people.

Now here’s the beginning of Leviticus. ‘And the Lord called to Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting.’ God is no longer speaking from Mount Sinai, making them fear for their lives with the thunder and lightning, the fire and thick smoke. God has come down, right into the Israelite camp, right there with them. But he’s the same God. They can’t escape now.

It’s possible to be so fearful that we lose sight of the mercy and tenderness of God. At the other extreme, it’s possible to be so familiar that we lose sight of the majesty and holiness of God. I suspect in our generation we’re more in danger of being over familiar rather than over fearful.

Where is the balance to be found? It’s here that the book of Leviticus can guide us. Click for more notes

26th July 2022

On 31st July our service will be led by Rev Ian Macnair who will be preaching on the New Testament Gospel of Matthew. Ian has provided the information below as background to what he will be talking about.



If you have access to the internet: two videos from the Bible Project (slightly over 15 minutes to watch) will be time well spent.

Matthew 1–13  and Matthew 14–28 


Not named in the Gospel but unanimously attributed to the disciple Matthew by the early church (Mt. 9:9–11; 10:3; Mk 3:18; Lk 6:15; Ac 1:13. Also called Levi, son of Alphaeus Mk 2:14–15; Lk 5:27–29).


Suggestions vary from early AD 50s to late 50s or 60s, some going for 70s or even later.


Although the Gospel has distinctively Jewish features it has a universal outlook.


To confirm for his Jewish-Christian readers that Jesus is their Messiah and to confirm the kind of Messiah he is. Matthew includes many citations and allusions to the OT unique to this Gospel (e.g., 1:22–23; 2:15; 2:17–18; 2:23; 4:14–16; 8:17; 12:17–21; 13:35; 27:9–10). Right at the beginning the Gospel links Jesus’ lineage back to Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation and David, the greatest king in the kingdom of Israel.

Click for more notes

17th July 2022

David Depledge writes

With all of us facing very high temperatures I thought I would share this advice that comes from a Mission worker (with small children) in a country where the temperature sometimes exceeds 50 degrees and is very often in the 40s. Let us know which you try or send us your tips!

Handling the Heat

  • Don't look at the temperature. When it's hot, it's hot, and knowing how hot it is isn't going make it any better! In fact, it usually just makes me feel like I have an excuse to grumble and be in a bad mood, which makes it worse.
  • Your kids will follow your lead. If you don’t whine about the heat nor will your kids. But if you talk about constantly then so will your kids [not sure how helpful that is when it's constantly in the media and a popular topic of conversation...].
  • Take three showers a day to cool down. One when you wake up sweaty in the morning, one after lunch, and one before bed. Showers are primarily cooling mechanism and secondarily for hygiene!
  • Baby powder and calamine lotion. They do wonders for heat rash for young and old alike, and it helps you not to itch it.
  • Invest in some good fans. You can get rechargeable USB ones that are portable and can easily clip on to things. These are great for kids naps etc.
  • Everyone take a siesta or quiet rest time in the heat of the day after lunch (if the kids won't sleep or read, put a movie on for them). Then take a shower and lie down wet in front of a fan by yourself with nobody touching you!!
  • Wet muslins are great for night-times. Spread them on top of you when you go to bed and they will help keep you cool (so long as you don’t mind the moist!).
  • Sleep outside! We LOVE sleeping outside and so do the kids. On a dry night take your mattresses outside and sleep all together as a family in the garden.
  • Hydrate hydrate hydrate - lots of cold water. Make sure you’re urinating regularly; this is the best measure of whether you are sufficiently hydrated. Dehydration contributes to feeling exhausted so if you’re feeling worn out this might be why.
  • Embrace it! Accept that being sweaty is normal and not gross: it’s the sign of a day well spent.
  • Get on with life. Plan outings for early morning or late afternoon when the heat of the day has passed. That said, but don't let heat rule your day and mean that you don't do things that you otherwise enjoy. That just makes you grumpy and resentful. Feel hot, and do it anyway.

27th May 2022

Rev Dr John Matipano is Chaplain and Bereavement Service Officer, Faith Centre, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire  NHS Trust and the guest speaker in our service on 29th May. He has provided this article for us.

Is Chaplaincy part of the Mission of the Church?

Interesting question! Does the Church even know its purpose, I wonder? One of the questions that I am often asked by patients is; do you like your job? I wonder if people ever ask, Priests, Ministers, Pastors, or Vicars if they like their jobs. The answer that I am often tempted to give them is, which one? Because I don’t think that is a very polite answer, I have not had the courage to ask it and will probably remain filed.

For me, there are two ways of looking at chaplaincy, 1) As a job and 2) as ministry. I am of the persuasion that chaplaincy is not a job such as being an Accountant for example. I believe that Chaplaincy is ministry and is 100% an extension of the mandate of the church. As far as I am concerned the mandate of the church is to fulfil the Great Commission (Go ye therefore and preach … Matthew 28:18-20). As a chaplain I feel that my primary role is to be with people that are in need at the time of their greatest need, be they patients, staff, relatives or carers. Even if I don’t mention Christ or God in my conversations with these groups of people and my presence speaks to them about what I believe and who I believe, then my work of ministry is done. I like a verse in Psalms 23 that says, “He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake”. For me the Purpose of ministry is the Glorification of God.

Therefore if I am in the Hospital or Hospice or the community to do the work of God, I am not doing a job but doing ministry. I feel privileged that I am paid for doing the work of ministry in as much as I feel honoured to be a Pastor of a church and no one pays me for that. I feel that in both my roles as a Chaplain and a Pastor, it is not a job but an answer to a call. Do I enjoy what I do, Is it a hard, yet it is. Is it rewarding, of course it is rewarding, not only in this life but most importantly in the life to come. I am sure there is a crown for the stuff I do. What was the question again? 

24th May 2022

On Sunday 22nd May we were blessed by having Chris Edwards*, Chief Operating Officer, of HOPE Coventry to preach in our service. We asked HOPE to provide a summary of their work.

“They provided support and hope to my mother when she needed it most.”
“I cannot put into words my relief that my life has been averted from poverty and possible homelessness. They saved me from utter desolation and despair.”

For eight years, HOPE Coventry has enabled the city’s churches to work together, transforming the lives of the disadvantaged and those in need with the love and power of Jesus. Today, we run five key projects:
Good Neighbours Coventry is a volunteer-led service for those older people who are suffering from isolation and loneliness that could result in mental health and well-being concerns.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Coventry exists to help individuals and families live a life free from debt, providing debt management support, drop-in clinics and running money courses.
The Coventry House of Prayer provides Christians with a place to pray in the heart of our city, helping the church intercede for revival and transformation in Coventry and nationally.
Healing on the Streets lets us reach the lost and hurting on the streets of Coventry, offering prayer for healing or anything else - God does the rest!
Through family events and a Sunday open-air service, HOPE@MotoFest provides the church with a key opportunity to serve our city and bring worship to the heart of one of Coventry’s biggest events of the year.
And that’s not all, we also partner with other projects such as Open Heaven (a project the prayer-walk every street in the city), City Praise and Together For Change. Connecting leaders is also an important part of our work, running regular gatherings for church and community leaders.
We would be nothing without our amazing volunteers who do everything from befriending isolated older people, to helping in the office. We are always looking for more volunteers, more people to pray for us and more people who want to give financially to support our work.
Visit our new website for more information: www.hopecoventry.org.uk or email me at anya@hopecoventry.org.uk - we look forward to hearing from you.
(HOPE Administrator and Fundraiser)

* Chris joined Hope Coventry as its first COO in January 2018, following a successful career in education and has overseen HOPE Coventry’s expansion leading to a team of 14 employees working within the city. Chris grew up in Coventry and his parents Jerry and Rita Edwards were active members at QRBC for many years. Chris was baptised at QRBC in 1976 and now attends and is a trustee at Jubilee Church Coventry.

28th April 2022

Rev Alan Betteridge writes:-

On 10th May 1922 our four stained glass windows were unveiled at Queens Road; they were a memorial for those from the church and congregation who had been killed in the enormous carnage of the First World War, when sometimes tens of thousands were killed on one day, often to little military advantage.

One name on the windows is Arnold Brown, a student assistant minister at Queens Road who left after three months feeling duty bound to sign up in November 1915. He was killed at the Somme in October 1916. (The number of people killed in the Second World war are on later plaques below the windows).

The church chose these windows rather than a stone cross outside visible from Queens Road, or an endowment for a mission hospital bed overseas (out of sight but relieving suffering elsewhere in the world).

The windows show four scenes from John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress”, written in gaol in Bedford at a time of persecution. It was one of the best loved and most read books after the bible in our sort of church 100 years ago.

On the left facing the front is the pilgrim, Christian running away with a burden of guilt and shame on his back, but Evangelist meets him and points him to Christ’s cross. Next, Christian at the cross leaps for joy as his burden rolls away.

On the right side facing the front, Christian is being equipped with the armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-17) not for physical battle but for spiritual warfare. Finally, Christian is helped through the river of death to reach the lasting glorious realm where God vanquishes all that is evil.

Do they reflect your spiritual journey and hopes?

20th April 2022

Introducing the Church Library                                        by the Able Assistant

“Will I Be Fat in Heaven? And Other Curious Questions”…J. John’s latest contribution to the Christian dialogue.  A book to savour, as it answers many questions, in quite a serious fashion, I may add, despite the amusing title.  Questions we may not like to own to having publicly….. but we can sneak around to the bookshelves and update our knowledge

This is an example of the books we are adding to our Church’s Library…you know…the smart bookshelves opposite the entrance to the Large Hall, where we’ve had coffee lately some Sunday mornings.

Lockdown has been a great time to get lost in a fiction book by Christian authors.  And it’s jolly useful that the Library has a simple ‘Read and Return’ policy…no severe librarians breathing down your neck about overdue library books.  Francine Rivers is popular with her fictional stories that retell Bible Stories in the modern style.  Or how about Karen Kingsley with her totally fiction but gripping stories that point to God’s way forward in the trials we all encounter.  And our thanks to a friend who gave us all her copies recently!

It’s great too to attend a Bible Study or Small Group and be extra clued up about the topic under discussion, having dipped into the Study Guides or concordances.  (Whoops, gave my secret away there).  If you lead a Small Group and are looking for new materials, this is a chance to browse through materials found useful by other groups.

This is an opportunity to thank all of you who have donated books, both used but still smart, and spanking new.  Mysterious packages left anonymously by the Bookshelves set the adrenalin running.  One of my concerns is that we haven’t room for all your ‘gifts’..hence the ‘Book Sale’ happening occasionally.  It fascinates me that many visitors to our Church have found this a useful resource in the past.  A chance to see what this Christianity is all about.

Our largest section is all about Real Life Situations, and advice on how to cope: parenting, singleness, relationships, for example.  Following that, I like to browse in the biography section, learning from the experiences of others. 

If you have any suggestions, recommendations or would like to help, do contact us…Sarah White is our Chief Librarian, and Mary Morris the Able Assistant: good with a duster and eager to help.

15th April 2022

Rev Neil Martin writes

On Easter Sunday this classic refrain is given and heard all around the world:

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! or Cristo ha resucitado, ¡En verdad ha resucitado! as some say. Maybe you might say Christus is opgestaan, Ja, hij is waarlijk opgestaan!, or even Taw creest ereen! Taw shay ereen guhdyne! Maybe you could say Le Christ est ressuscité, En verité, Il est réssucité. Lastly, you might even say Atgyfododd Crist, Atgyfododd Yn wir. That is, if you can dislocate your tongue.

(If you want to guess the languages the answers are at the bottom, also all inaccuracies are the responsibility of the internet)

Yet, however it is said, this phrase is said all around the world, by numbers beyond counting each Easter Sunday. It is said by the free and the oppressed, by the prisoner and the guard, by the rich and the poor, and the powerful and powerless. By those who are ill, and by those who are well; by those who are young and by those who are old. It is said this day by people of all colour tones and tongues. It is said by me, and I hope it is said by you.

Though it is said by numbers beyond counting, in circumstances beyond measure, every voice is heard, and every story known. As you lift your voice on Easter Sunday, as one voice among many, remember this simple truth from Matthew 10:30: Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Yes, you are one among billions, but you are a very special one, and you were heard together and as one. So join in with me again: Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! 


1) Spanish 2) Dutch 3) Irish Gaelic 4) French 5) Welsh


24th March 2022

The Ordination of Liz Martin…

“The Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.”

Acts 13:2-3 (NIV)

This weekend (25th March) is a very special time for Liz Martin, and in the life and witness of Queens Road Baptist Church, as we ordain her and set her apart for the work to which the Holy Spirit has called her. We refer to this as Ordination, but what does it entail?

Soon after arriving at QRBC, Liz met with me to talk and pray through her sense of call to Baptist ministry. Through a time of listening and prayerful reflection, I too experienced a strong sense of her call and set about testing that call in the usual way. Liz had undertaken her theological studies with Moorlands College, and two of her tutors (Ian and Ruth Coffey) had already spoken with her about chaplaincy. Graham Banks was happy to confirm her calling and the Members of Crondall Baptist Church (where Liz had most recently been in membership) formally commended her for Accredited Baptist Ministry.

Liz was interviewed by HEBA’s Ministerial Recognition Committee, who were unanimous in commending her to the BU Ministerial Selection Conference. This interview resulted in her being enrolled as a Newly Accredited Minister. As such she is required to serve three years of probationary practise in a qualifying office, in her case as Chaplain with the Coventry YMCA, along with undertaking a learning contract with Spurgeon’s College. During this time, she meets regularly with her HEBA Mentor. This will lead to Liz becoming a Fully Accredited Minister in 2024.

But where does Ordination come into this process? While the BU can prepare and commend someone for ministry in one of its member churches, it is you the local church who set her apart for the work to which God has called her. Her appointment as Chaplain at the YMCA has triggered this, and this weekend you have the joy and privilege of ordaining her to wider Baptist ministry and commissioning her as a chaplain.

Rev. Elizabeth Martin, we gladly set you apart for ministry, and commit to pray for you and support your service of the Lord.

With love in Christ,

Rev. Neil Le Tissier

HEBA Regional Minister

11th March 2022

We want to talk about prayer and specifically Prayer Triplets.  Matthew 18:20 Jesus says “Where 2 or 3 meet in my name, I am there with them”

“What are Prayer Triplets? In the 1980’s churches in England worked together to support an evangelistic crusade called Mission England. Billy Graham led meetings in football stadiums and many people became Christians as a result. Prior to this Christians formed prayer triplets asking God to show them who to invite. Prayer triplets appear in the Bible in both the Old and New Testament and have flourished in schools, Universities, workplaces, prisons and even parliament.

Miranda, Anna, Sandra and Angie

How will it work? Now our fellowship is meeting in person again and following input from the congregation this seems a good time to reignite prayer triplets again. Praying in a large group can feel daunting for many of us and therefore praying with two others regularly often overcomes these anxieties. Praying together can result in spiritual refreshment for yourself and our fellowship, deepen relationships within the church, involve us all in the pastoral care of others and be a way of supporting and welcoming new people into our fellowship.

How can I try a prayer triplet? A prayer triplet is 3 people ( or 2 couples) meeting regularly to pray together. Prayer is the 3 (or 4) of you having a conversation, listening and speaking with God. As we may be hesitant about adding another commitment to our week we want to enable people to try a Prayer Triplet for 3 months and then we would review it together to see how the scheme is working. That will give the opportunity to decide if it is working for you and you want to continue or maybe try praying with two others instead.

What we recommend.  Each triplet decides together how often and when they want to meet either in person or via the Internet. That triplets are same sex or consist of 2 couples. Meeting for an hour only and ensuring each member has equal time to share and have their requests prayed for.
You may already have an idea of who to ask to form a prayer triplet with you, but if not or you are open to praying with someone new then we hope to facilitate this.
During March if would like to try joining a prayer triplet there will be the opportunity to sign up either on line or on a Sunday morning and we will prayerfully try to match you with 2 others. Or if you have formed a triplet yourselves please let us know. If hesitant or have any questions do come and talk to us.

Anna Grimshaw, Miranda Shieh, Angie Liley and Sandra Hobley

4th March 2022

Rev Neil Martin writes

On Sunday (6th March) we have the privilege of celebrating the baptism of both Simeon and Hannah Colville. While they have both grown up here at Queens Road, it’s fair to say that neither of them are massive seekers of attention. So for those who don’t know them well, let me tell you a little bit about them both. 


Hannah is 15 and in year 10 at Bluecoat school, and she a voracious reader. If you ever wonder why she is always carrying a bag, it’s simple: it contains something essential, a book. She runs German film club at school, and has 2 Guinea pigs, about whom she can talk very enthusiastically, if given the chance. She has been coming along to our Thursday night group since she started year 8, a few months after the youth group started. (Simeon’s been there since the start, but we don’t talk about that to her!) She’s also somewhat competitive, and is pleased that she is first in the introduction! If you look for Hannah, she’s nearly always at the front left usually helping run the stream for the people who call in to hear the service on ther phone.

Simeon is 18, and a student at Chester University, where he is studying psychology, so if he looks thoughtfully at you, watch out, you might be being analysed. Though as Simeon is also a very thoughtful person, it’s also possible he’s mulling any number of profound or mundane things in his mind. You’ll never know which! Simeon is an F1 nut, who can talk encyclopaedically about F1, and is often found doing so with Nathan Simonds. He is also famous for ‘Simeonisms’, such as “red is the colour of dreams”, which emerge at random points of conversation. In context, they work very well; out of context they sound a little odd! Simeon’s faith and service has grown at University, he will be joining the CU committee in charge of small groups.

Both are avid Wasps fans, and they are appreciated by all who know them. Please do pray for them.  

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